Chinook blood drive comes in time of great need

From Carla Jenewein

Local Red Cross blood drive coordinator

According to the Red Cross, a recent decline in blood donations may soon make it tough to keep blood products stocked on hospital shelves.

We are asking all eligible donors to come forward and give at our upcoming blood drive Tuesday, July 25, from noon till 6 p.m. at the community commercial building of Blaine County Fairgrounds, 300 Cleveland Rd., in Chinook.

Donors with all blood types are needed. Remember, blood is a perishable product that can only come from blood donors like yourself. So please, come roll up your sleeve and give the gift of life. One donation can save up to the three lives.

Any healthy person age 18 or older and weighing at least 110 pounds is eligible and encouraged to donate blood. Those 16 or 17 years of age are eligible to donate with a signed parental consent. Parental consents can be picked up at the Chinook high school office or at the registration table at the commercial building down at the fairgrounds the day of the drive. Valid identification is required for all blood donations. Your driver’s license or school ID card are acceptable forms or identification.

Appointments are highly encouraged by the Red Cross. If you have not made an appointment to donate, you can go online at or call 1-800-733-2767 (1-800-REDCROSS). Walk in donors are always welcome. There will be walk-in availability throughout the day along with the scheduled appointments.

Before donating, it is recommended you get a good night’s sleep, have a good breakfast and/or lunch and drink extra fluid to replace the volume you will donate. Try to avoid beverages with caffeine and fatty foods.

After your donation, to replenish your fluids and strength, you can enjoy homemade sandwiches and baked goods at the canteen.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Just a reminder, please use the east door of the commercial building.

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