Homosexual men can now donate blood at ARUP Blood Centers

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) — As of Tuesday, July 18, ARUP Blood Center is the first donor center in Utah and one of the first donor centers in the nation to implement the FDA’s new guidelines on blood donation for men who have sex with men.

On May 11, the FDA announced that most men who are in a monogamous relationship with men will no longer have to refrain from sex to donate blood. According to their statement, blood donor eligibility assessment questions will be the same for every donor — regardless of sexual orientation, sex, or gender.

In a statement, ARUP said they invite all potential donors to consider blood donation.

“ARUP Blood Services applauds and supports the FDA for the new guidelines and looks forward to welcoming new donors to our two donor centers or to local blood drives around the greater Salt Lake area,” their website states.

The new guidelines reportedly aim to address criticism that the FDA’s old policy was discriminatory, outdated, and created a barrier to bolstering the nation’s blood supply, according to the statement.

The FDA believes this new approach will maintain the current high level of safety of blood donations.

ARUP is “honored to share this great news and what it means for Utah, our hospitals and clinics, and the LGBTQIA community,” according to the statement.

Additionally, they say they are committed to achieving an inclusive blood donation process that treats all potential donors with equality and respect, according to their website.

For donor eligibility questions, call 801-584-5272.

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