Cholesterol Diet: 10 Superfoods to Increase Good Cholesterol in Your Blood

Cholesterol Diet: You may lower your cholesterol levels even further by including these superfoods in your diet and maintaining a balanced diet low in saturated fat.

Cholesterol Diet: A waxy molecule called cholesterol can be discovered in your blood. Although your body needs cholesterol to create healthy cells, having too much of it might raise your chance of developing heart disease. A heart attack, stroke, and chest discomfort are all risks that high cholesterol can increase. Controlling cholesterol can be aided by eating well and exercising frequently. In addition, you should give up smoking, limit your alcohol intake, and keep your weight in check if you want to reduce the hazards connected with high cholesterol.

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While high cholesterol can be passed down through the family, it’s more frequently caused by poor lifestyle choices, making it both curable and avoidable. High cholesterol can be lowered with a good diet, consistent exercise, and occasionally medicine.

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  1. Olive Oil: It’s a well-known fact that cooking in olive oil is better than cooking with vegetable oil or ghee. The extra virgin olive oil is packed with nutrients like Vitamin E and K as well as powerful antioxidants. Some of these antioxidants can reduce blood vessel inflammation and fight oxidation of the LDL particles. It has also been known to improve blood pressure. So replace your vegetable oil with this healthier option.
  2. Coconut Oil: Coconut and coconut oil is the richest source of saturated fat on the Earth, with as much as 90 per cent of its fatty acids being saturated. Coconut fats are medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized differently and go straight to the liver, where they are converted into ketone bodies. Coconut oil also reduces appetite, making you eat lesser and hence, intake lesser calories. Meanwhile, the oil itself can boost the metabolism by supplying up to 120 calories per day. It’s also highly nutritious.
  3. Cheese: Who said healthy foods all have to taste bad? The one food that has been credited with enhancing the taste of most junk foods is highly nutritious. Cheese is loaded with all the goodness of milk including calcium, Vitamin B12, phosphorus and selenium, and is also a rich source of protein. One slice of cheese can deliver as much as 6.7 grams of protein to your body- the same as one glass of whole milk.
  4. Dark Chocolate: Another tasty food that you will not feel guilty noshing down to your heart’s content. Dark chocolate is not just loaded with antioxidants, but is also rich in fibre (11 per cent) and minerals like iron, copper, magnesium and manganese. It’s also very high in good fat content. Studies have shown that people who consume dark chocolate are lesser at risk of heart disease than those who don’t. Dark chocolate also helps you fight signs of ageing, by protecting your skin against skin damage.
  5. Red Wine: Drinking one glass of red wine per day (two glasses for men) has been known to reduce the risk of heart disease. This is because red wine delivers HDL to your bloodstream. However, do not drink red wine if you have high triglycerides. If you don’t drink, then it’s not advisable to begin just for the sake of reducing heart disease risk. Consult your doctor before starting to drink.
  6. Nuts: Nuts like peanuts, walnuts and pistachios are packed with heart-healthy fats and also contain something called plant sterols, which block the absorption of bad cholesterol in the blood. They are also high in fibre and the mineral magnesium. Incorporate nuts into your breakfast routine, along with your salad or add them to your yoghurt bowl. You can also add them to your fruit smoothies. However, if you are watching your weight, consume them in moderation.
  7. Fatty Fish: Fish like salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can increase HDL and decrease the level of LDL. Other fatty fish include mackerel, tuna and sardines. Try to incorporate at least two servings of fatty fish per week to increase the amount of healthy cholesterol in your blood. These are also good for protein. There are a lot of fish oil supplements easily available in pharmacies all over the globe. If you cannot ensure the optimum fish intake, take the pills instead.
  8. Whole Eggs: A lot of people only eat the white part of the egg and leave out the yolk, which is high in fat and cholesterol. But this habit is unhealthy. A medium-sized whole egg contains 168 mg of cholesterol- around 62 per cent of the daily recommended intake! Egg cholesterol does not contribute to the bad cholesterol in the blood and is loaded with nutrients and vitamins. Eggs are also high in protein and filling, which is good for those who want to lose weight.
  9. Full-Fat Yogurt: Real full-fat yoghurt is incredibly nutritious and has the same nutrients as all other high-fat dairy products. Yoghurt is also loaded with healthy probiotic bacteria and helps in improving digestion, fight heart disease and obesity. However, you must be very careful while choosing yoghurt as a lot of them are merely loaded with sugar and are low in fat content.
  10. Avocado: Avocados, unlike other fruits, are loaded with fats instead of carbohydrates. The fruit is about 77 per cent fat, making it even higher in fat content than animal fat. The main fatty acid in avocados is monosaturated fat oleic acid, which has various health benefits including a reduction in inflammation in blood vessels. Avocados are also rich sources of fibre and have been known to lower the risk of heart disease by reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Published Date: July 24, 2023 8:05 AM IST


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