Eye flu cases rise in Delhi after heavy rain: All you need to know about this eye infection

Eye Flu is also known as Pink eye and Conjunctivitis. It can spread from an infected person to another. Eye flu can be caused by any allergens or irritants from smoke, dust, pollen or chemicals.

A sudden outbreak of conjunctivitis has been witnessed in Delhi after the national capital faced floods and disruptions due to heavy rain in the last few days. Cases are being reported in higher numbers from the areas located on the banks of the Yamuna River after the flood waters receded.

Conjunctivitis or eye flu is an infection that affects the eye. It is usually caused by viruses and can spread from one affected person to another. The infection is also known as pink eye and it leads to an inflammation of the transparent membrane of the eye, which is called Conjunctiva.


Eye flu can be caused by any allergens or irritants from smoke, dust, pollen or chemicals. However, wearing contact lenses for a longer time or not cleaning them can also lead to an eye infection.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms and signs of the infection may vary from person to person. However, the most common signs are redness, swelling and itching in the eyes. The eyes can also feel watery during the start of the flu.


For the treatment of this disease, one needs to use a combination of medicines. One of the most useful treatments is using artificial tears or even any lubricating eye drops; these can help the infected person to maintain moisture. A warm or cold compress will also help in giving relief from inflammation and swelling.


Preventing the eye flu is necessary for avoiding the inconveniences caused by the infection.

One must maintain good hygiene which includes washing hands and avoiding touching eyes with bare or unwashed hands. One must also avoid sharing personal belongings like towels, lenses or glasses. The area where you live should be cleaned properly.

However, people living close to the Yamuna River banks need to take care of personal hygiene more prominently. The air in the surrounding area may easily transmit the virus. To avoid the eye flu, one can use clear and clean glasses, and avoid touching the eyes with unclean hands.

Additionally, if you spot any of the signs or symptoms, visit the doctor as soon as possible.

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