Weekly Rounds: The Correct Disinfectant, Changing Belief Systems, and More

Weekly Rounds with Infection Control Today

Here are 5 highlights from Infection Control Today®‘s (ICT®’s) wide-ranging coverage of the infection prevention and control world. Everything from interviews with known opinion leaders to the news that infection preventionists and other health care professionals can use on their jobs.

How to Choose the Right Disinfectant to Prevent Health Care-Associated Infections

Choosing the correct disinfectant can be difficult. This expert explains how to select the proper one.

From Belief to Behavior: An IP’s Step-by-step Approach to Changing Belief Systems

“If we want to influence our health care workers toward a shift in practice, we must first tackle the core beliefs that drive that behavior,” writes Heather Saunders, MPH, RN, CIC.

Diagnosing Sepsis in the Emergency Department With a New Test

Sepsis often first appears in the emergency department, making diagnosis challenging and leading to delays. This study examines a new, recently FDA-approved test on how to diagnose earlier.

One Step Forward, 2 Back: CDC’s Proposals for Infection Control in Health Care Facilities

In this opinion article, the authors discuss their concerns about the recent HICPAC/CDC proposals on infectious diseases.

Minimizing Health Risks: Controlling Mold in Health Care Settings

Mold, a menacing presence that can grow within the walls of your facility, may be lurking and waiting to cause problems. Are you equipped to deal with it?

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