Monthly Archives: July 2023

PAH: Changing Approaches to Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Patient Journey

In recent decades, there’s been a sea change in the understanding of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which in turn has affected the patient journey in this disease. The prognosis of PAH has evolved from impending death with few treatment options to a chronic condition notable for improved survival.1 Improved patient survival has been realized due […]

4 Best Supplements For Diabetes That Lower Blood Sugar Naturally – Sponsored Content | The Times of Israel

Diabetes is a disease that strikes at the root of people’s freedom to take their favorite foods. After being diagnosed with diabetes, as soon as you visit your doctor, the first thing your doctor would tell you is to bring in restrictions in your diet. One significant motivating factor of your life seems to retract […]

AJMC® in the Press, July 28, 2023

An opinion piece in The Hill referenced a study published in the June 2023 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “Income Differences Between Locations of 340B Entities and Contract Pharmacies,” found that 340B-covered hospitals and grantees were contracting with pharmacies in more affluent neighborhoods. An article from Medical Xpress referenced […]

“In Vivo” RNA-based Gene Editing Model for Blood Disorders

–In proof-of-concept paper, researchers show that gene editing tools can be delivered via lipid nanoparticles, which would reduce cost and increase access to cutting-edge gene therapies— Philadelphia—In a step forward in the development of genetic medicines, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have […]

COVID-19: Effects on the Cardiovascular System

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 infection, damages the lungs, impairing gas exchange and depriving the body of oxygen. It also has significant cardiovascular effects, particularly in patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease (CVD). The reduced oxygen supply to the heart muscle causes inflammation, tissue damage, and arrhythmias and decreases cardiac output. Infection and inflammation further […]

Increased New-Onset Cardiovascular Risk Observed in Narcolepsy

Rami H. Ben-Joseph, PhD A recently published retrospective cohort study using administrative claims data from 2014 to 2019 revealed that individuals with narcolepsy are at an increased risk of new-onset cardiovascular events. These findings highlight the importance of considering cardiovascular risk when weighing treatment options. The data, originally presented at the 2022 American Academy of […]