Monthly Archives: July 2023

DHS: 40 cases of parasitic infection linked to produce confirmed in

A parasitic infection linked to imported produce is popping up in Wisconsin again this summer. There have been 40 cases of cyclosporiasis reported to the state Department of Health Services since June 1. The intestinal illness is caused by a parasite that comes from people ingesting food or water contaminated with feces. The parasite is […]

Home invader’s blood on doorknob cracks 1984 cold case thanks to new…

Minneapolis police say they have cracked a 1984 cold-case murder and assault thanks to new DNA technology. Authorities named Matthew Russell Brown, 66, as the suspect accused of murdering Robert Miller inside his south Minneapolis apartment on July 17, 1984, when Brown would have been 27 years old. Court records filed last month show Brown was charged with second-degree […]

OBI medical officer tells Rotarians for-profit plasma centers impacting local blood donations

#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } Regulations for blood donation centers and plasma donation centers vary, and the chief medical officer for Our Blood Institute (OBI) told Enid Rotarians that for-profit plasma centers are contributing to a decrease in blood donations at nonprofit centers. Dr. […]

One Step Forward, 2 Back: CDC’s Proposals for Infection Control in Health Care Facilities

CDC (Adobe Stock, unknown) As the White House maintains strict COVID-19 testing protocols for access to President Joseph Biden, protocols which recently detected SARS-CoV-2 in a member of the Israeli delegation, the CDC appears to be on the verge of relaxing infection disease strategies. During the CDC’s June 2023 Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee […]

Bloodworks Northwest says it needs blood donations in next 7 days

The blood bank said the summer is a time when more accidents and injuries happen and require life-saving blood transfusions.  Bloodworks Northwest is encouraging people to make appointments in July and August to ensure the blood shortage doesn’t affect the care of local cancer, trauma, and surgery patients and maintain enough blood for emergencies.  Same […]

Wasting Away to Health: Unexpected Benefits of Muscle Loss in Infection

Summary: In an unexpected twist, researchers found that muscle loss, a form of ‘wasting’ during infections, could be beneficial. Their study revealed that during T. brucei infection in mice, fat loss initiated by CD4+ T cells had no impact on survival or fighting the parasite. However, muscle wasting induced by CD8+ T cells surprisingly enhanced […]

Long-Acting HIV Injectable Preferable to Daily Oral Regimen

When treating a chronic condition, adherence to therapy remains paramount. For people with HIV, the advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has greatly extended and improved people’s lives, but it comes with its own set of challenges. For example, it has been reported that for people with HIV having to take a daily pill can be […]

Daily prune consumption has promising effects on biomarkers related to cardiovascular health

A pair of new studies presented as abstracts today at the American Society of Nutrition (ASN) annual meeting report that daily prune consumption has promising effects on several biomarkers related to cardiovascular health. Conducted in postmenopausal women and men 55 years and older, the studies reveal: In men, long-term prune consumption improved HDL cholesterol and […]

Dengue fever cases could reach near-record highs this year: What to know about the tropical infectious disease

The World Health Organization warned on Friday that cases of dengue fever could reach close to record highs this year, partly due to global warming and the way that climate has helped the mosquitoes that spread it, Reuters reported. Rates of the disease are climbing worldwide, “with reported cases since 2000 up eight-fold to 4.2 […]

New understanding of wasting could lead to better treatments for infections

Although infections can present with many different symptoms, one common symptom is the loss of fat and muscle, a process called wasting. Salk scientists wanted to know whether wasting was beneficial in fighting infections. Researchers in Professor Janelle Ayres’ lab discovered the wasting response to T. brucei infection in mice occurs in two phases, each […]