Blood supply reaching critical level in East Texas

Carter BloodCare said they need more donations, especially the universal blood type O- that many health systems use in surgeries.

TYLER, Texas — On Monday, Carter BloodCare said blood donations are currently at a critical low level in East Texas. The organization said they are specifically in need of the universal blood type O- which benefits many people who go through surgery, give birth, or just suffered a traumatic event. 

Chandler resident and blood donor Kenneth Reid said it’s as easy as sitting back, squeezing a ball, and getting a free treat. 

“If you can see your child born, then you can handle giving blood,” Reid said. “I’ve never had any effects. Maybe a little lightheadedness, but you know they’re really good about watching you and making sure you have something to drink and eat afterwards.”

Reid is blood type O- and has been going at it for 20 years, donating about six to seven gallons of blood. He said donating and being a part of the solution gives him a sense of helping his community. 

“You know we’re blessed…God decides what blood type we need to be,” Reid said. “Since I serve a church, I love to serve people.”

Having a regular donor like Reid is a huge benefit to Carter BloodCare because they’ve recently announced they are in critical need for blood type O-, along with O+, B+, B- and A-. Director of donor recruitment and regional operations at the organization Clinton McCoy said it’s the time of the year where hot temperatures means low turnout. 

“A majority of that blood goes to help out cancer patients and trauma victims here in our East Texas community hospitals,” McCoy said. “Unfortunately, when it gets hot people stop coming out and doing things. One of those things is donating blood.”

Carter BloodCare has two main locations in East Texas: Tyler and Longview. If you don’t live in those cities but still want to donate then you can locate of one their mobile stations.

All you need to do is enter your zip code and it will show you when and where you can find the nearest mobile station in your area. 

The blood you donate could save someone’s life someday. For Reid, it was witnessing his older church members schedule their donation times that inspired him to give. 

“There are a lot of gentlemen from my church that I work at in Chandler ,that were well into their 70s giving multiple gallons of blood,” Reid said. “I said that they can do it, I can do it.”

To schedule an appointment at either the Tyler or Longview Carter BloodCare locations click this link here. Or to find a mobile unit near you click this link here. 

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