Campaign encourages New Yorkers to donate blood for a pint of beer: Here are the S.I. locations

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Staten Islanders who roll up their sleeve to donate a pint of blood will receive a fee pint of beer for their troubles from now until Sept. 10.

The New York Blood Center’s (NYBC) annual “Pint for Pint’ campaign kicks off Tuesday, Aug. 1, partnering with local businesses to help boost the area’s struggling blood supply.

Of the more than 60 participating businesses, two are on Staten Island: The Flagship Brewing Company, Tompkinsville, and Rab’s Country Lanes, Dongan Hills.

At Flagship, those presenting a voucher can claim a pint of any brew of their choosing for the second year in a row, said Jay Sykes, a co-owner of the brewery, who had nothing but praise for the NYBC.

“They’re trying to do a really good thing here in New York City by making sure we have enough blood in our blood bank,’’ Sykes said. “It’s something we obviously always need.”

Sykes said that last year about 30 people redeemed their blood forms for pints at his brewery, but he hopes to give away even more beer this year.

“Hopefully, the word spreads around,’’ he said. “It’s something we’ll continue to do. We try to do our small part in helping out.”

At Rab’s Country Lanes, owner Frank Wilkinson said he’s thrilled to be part of the Pint for a Pint promotion for the second year.

“Donating blood saves lives, and the added bonus of a free pint of beer is a great incentive to encourage even more people to join us in making a positive impact,’’ he said. “Together, we share in the spirit of generosity, one pint at a time. Giving back to our community is in our blood here at Rab’s, and this unique promotion allows us to celebrate those who take some time out of their busy schedule to donate a pint of blood.”

The program has doubled in size since its inception to include more than 60 establishments participating this year across the region, including pubs and breweries in Manhattan, Brooklyn and New Jersey.

Blood donors can redeem their voucher through Aug. 10. They may not redeem their voucher on the day of their donation.

The annual campaign seeks to motivate blood donors to come out in the summer months, as August is an historically challenging time for the blood supply, since schools are closed and families go on vacation, according to an NYBC spokesperson.

Blood donations in the region have still not returned to pre-pandemic levels, according to the NYBC, as fewer schools, businesses and organizations are hosting blood drives. Currently, the blood supply stands at a three- to four-day level, with type O- especially needed.

“The ‘Pint for Pint’ campaign began when New York’s restaurant industry was suffering due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite their hardships, breweries supported New York Blood Center by donating beverages to get more New Yorkers to donate blood,” said Andrea Cefarelli, senior vice president of NYBC. “We were grateful for their support then, and we continue to be in awe of their generosity today. We urge donors to take advantage of this fun summer campaign that allows them to save lives and support local businesses.”

Founded in 1964, the non-profit NYBC is one of the largest independent, community-based blood centers in the world.

To make an appointment at a nearby blood drive, donors can call 1-800-933-2566 or visit

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