Foods to prevent blood clotting: Nutritionist shares tips

Updated On Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

  • From black mushrooms to garlic and ginger, here is a list of food items that can help in keeping the circulatory system healthy.


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Updated on Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

The food we eat determines the way our circulatory system works. A healthy diet helps in preventing blood clots. Explaining this, Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee wrote, ” Food, a natural defense against blood clots! Did you know that the food choices we make can play a significant role in maintaining a healthy circulatory system and preventing blood clots? It’s true.”(Unsplash)


The way our blood clots determines if we are prone to having a heart attack. While some foods help in keeping the circulatory system healthy, some unhealthy food habits can make the blood sticky and more prone to blot formation. Here are a few food items that can help in keeping blood circulation healthy. (Unsplash)

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Updated on Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

The way our blood clots determines if we are prone to having a heart attack. While some foods help in keeping the circulatory system healthy, some unhealthy food habits can make the blood sticky and more prone to blot formation. Here are a few food items that can help in keeping blood circulation healthy. (Unsplash)


Black mushrooms, also known as tree-ear mushrooms, have anticoagulant properties and help in keeping the blood platelets from sticking to each other. (Unsplash)

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Updated on Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

Black mushrooms, also known as tree-ear mushrooms, have anticoagulant properties and help in keeping the blood platelets from sticking to each other. (Unsplash)


Ginger and garlic have clog busting properties and help in keeping the blood thin and dissolving the clots, if any. (Unsplash)

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Updated on Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

Ginger and garlic have clog busting properties and help in keeping the blood thin and dissolving the clots, if any. (Unsplash)


Onions are a must in the daily diet as the compounds in this vegetable help in preventing the platelets from clumping. (Unsplash)

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Updated on Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

Onions are a must in the daily diet as the compounds in this vegetable help in preventing the platelets from clumping. (Unsplash)


Flaxseeds also have blood thinning effects and help in keeping the circulatory system healthy. (Unsplash)

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Updated on Aug 02, 2023 09:53 AM IST

Flaxseeds also have blood thinning effects and help in keeping the circulatory system healthy. (Unsplash)

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