American Red Cross begins accepting LGTBQ blood donations

The American Red Cross began accepting donations Monday from newly eligible individuals, many in the LGBTQ+ community, under the Food and Drug Administration expanded eligibility recommendations.

Among those scheduled to donate is state Health Secretary Kody Kinsley and state Health Director Dr. Elizabeth Cuervo Tilson.

Kinsley, who was promoted to secretary in January 2022, is the first openly gay cabinet secretary in the state’s history.

What the FDA approved is a change to blood donor eligibility by using gender-inclusive, individual risk-based questions to reduce the risk of transfusion-transmitted HIV.

Kinsley and Tilson led an effort, joined by nine other states and the District of Columbia, that urged the FDA to approve these donations.

“We applaud the life-saving decision by the Food and Drug Administration to adapt its rules for blood donation, joining countries around the world in proposing a set of rules that defers donors for risky behaviors, not for who they are,” Kinsley said.

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“This decision allows a previously marginalized group of people to participate in one of the most selfless acts that individuals perform, coming together to save lives.”

The American Red Cross collects, processes and distributes about 40% of the nation’s blood supply.

“The Red Cross celebrates the elimination of blood donation policies that are based on sexual orientation and also recognizes there is more work to be done to make blood donation more inclusive,” the agency said in a statement.

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with EqualityNC, Harmony and the LGBT Center of Raleigh to encourage donations for those newly eligible.

To find donation locations across the state, schedule an appointment to give blood or platelets by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, go to or calling 800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767).

Kinsley and Tilson said the FDA decision “is especially welcome as blood donations continue to be low in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“It is a major step forward for ending stigmatization of gay and bisexual men. We look forward to saving lives together.”

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