Dog donors needed to help boost blood supply for Las Vegas emergency vet clinic

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — You’ve probably heard about blood shortages when it comes to humans, but there is also a need for donated blood for our furry friends.

The blood bank at Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care is in need of dog donors to replenish its blood supply. The blood is needed for emergency care and is used for dogs who have suffered trauma or are battling cancer and need a transfusion.

Supervisor Jennifer Wessel said when they run out of blood, they have to outsource it from other companies and that can take weeks or months which is too long for an animal in need.

Supervisor Jennifer Wessel and her dog, Ryder, who will retire soon from being a blood donor. Ryder has been donating since he was a year old. He will soon be seven and too old to donate. (KLAS)

“That is why our need is so great. We need that blood for immediate use and the more donors we have, the more availability we have to do that.”  

Wessel said they use at least one to two pints of blood daily and it is the only 24-hour ER center in the area.

If you are interested in having your dog become part of the donor network, there are some requirements.

  • Dog must be one to six years old and around 55 pounds
  • Dog should have a calm demeanor
  • Dog must be up-to-date on shots
  • Dog must be healthy with no medical conditions
  • Dog can not be on medications unless it’s a preventative medication for flea, tick or heartworm.

Wessel said some of the current dog donors are aging and will no longer be candidates to give blood.

Becoming part of the donor network does have perks which include a full exam with each appointment, discounts on services, and free blood products if ever needed.

If interested, you can learn more at this link.

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