Blood bath rituals: Satanic indulgence

MANY PEOPLE have consulted me to seek God for their spiritual problems so they could be free. When I asked them if they have visited places of witchcraft, satanic temples, indulged in evil practices, sinful acts, etc. at any time in their lives before coming to me, their answer is always ‘NO!’

However, God showed me legs in basins of water with blood, or a pool of bloody water while they bathe in it. When I tell them, they are always shocked and resolved to saying: “… um … but that’s a long time ago. I remember when I was very small my dad took me there so I could pass my Common Entrance”, or “Oh, it was my aunty that took me there when I was very sick”, or “I was in a relationship and it wasn’t working, so a friend told me about a prayer man or a prayer ‘mada’. I went and she gave me a bath”.

In some cases, the parents took their children there when they were babies and God revealed it to me. They would then say, “Well, I was told that when I was a baby, I was a sick child.” That was the beginning of setbacks, sorrows, failure, joblessness, poverty, sleeplessness, headaches, breakthrough-edge syndromes (inability to have breakthroughs or succeed), and the list goes on.

Some people drank blood or got it sprinkled on their bodies as the obeah man or woman pronounced some words or statements over their lives which they could not understand. And some had gotten blood sprinkled at some part of their house, in their body lotion, or hair cream, etc.

If this has happened to you, I pray the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross of Calvary destroys every other blood rituals of any kind in this nation and globally in Jesus name! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:17 – “Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”

If only these people knew that, when they go to seek help in those places aforementioned, they are going to the gates of hell. It is satanic deception to put them in spiritual bondage and he has assigned his agents to destroy the people and their generations. Ignorance is not an excuse.


n It opens up your entire life to spiritual attacks and it’s a platform for demonic operations

n Soul oppression

n You become a target for the powers of darkness

n It will set limitations on your life or cause underachievement

n Frequent attacks on your life, businesses, relationship, etc

n Poverty, lack

n Sleep problems

n Spiritual weaknesses

n Family problems

n Bed-wetting

n Mental retardation, failure

n Eating in dreams, and the list goes on.

The Bible says in John 8:32 ”… And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.

Recently during one of my Zoom prayer meetings, God showed me, in a church setting, a person sitting on a chair, bound with a rope and blood water pouring from her body into a basin underneath the chair. The Lord showed me to indicate that some people in our churches have done this or are still doing it. God hates it and wants it to stop!

Do you need help? Arise Shine Apostolic and Deliverance Ministries will help to open your eyes and empower you with their books on spiritual warfare, counselling and deliverance clinic, global bible college and powerful Holy Ghost services with teaching, fasting and prayers on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Bishop Dr Grace Ade-Gold is the founder and bishop of Arise Shine Apostolic and Deliverance Ministries, located in Kingston. You may contact her at [email protected]

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