50 units collected at Blood Drive in Hemingford

The Blood Drive held at the Hemingford Fire Department on August 9 turned into a very successful event the West Nebraska Blood Center (WNBC) needed; there were 50 units of whole blood back to Regional West Medical Center. The day did start out very slow day and quickly turned into donors filling the cots right up to the end. There were some disappointments though as nine potential donors were deferred with the primary reason being low iron.

The need for O+ remains strong but there was also a call for O-. Our pool for O- donors is very limited (only four) though we know at least one O- come through which goes to prove every little bit helps. Those donors were: John Annen, Sucheal Bae, Josh Beck, Shad Bryner, Jo Buchheit, Deb Campbell, Jami Childers, Ashley Connell, Katie Dannar, Lori Dannar, Ryan Dannar, Dennis Folkerts, Gary Gettert, Margaret Hartman, Deanna Herbert, Mike Helmink, John Hoffman, Mike Honstein, Rick Horstman, Rex Horstman, Janelle Huss, Kyle Huss, Phyllis Jesse, Cheryl Kaman, Jim Keegan, Taylor Keegan, Emily Knote, Sara Knote, Will Mahony, Mike Manion, Heston Paris, Ann Payne, Brad Petersen, Linda K. Petersen, Robyn Petersen, Rod Prochazka, Tabi Prochazka, Vy Prochazka, Danny Sample, Alaina Schaneman, Jeff Schumacher, Martin Schumacher, Trish Schumacher, Joshua Simmons, Brett Sorensen, Dave Swanson, Rhonda Swanson, Dave Timmens, Kami Wills, and Bruce Winten.

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Many Box Butte County Fair Board Members came forward to give a unit of blood; it appears there may be a challenge for the August 2024 Blood Drive to be held at the fairgrounds. The Fire Department is looking forward to this, game on!

The HVFD and WNBC appreciate your dedication to this drive. Eat your red meat, beans and vegetables so you will be ready for the next Blood Drive on November 8. Stay safe and well hydrated.


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