Betterment Association partners with Red Cross for blood drive

SALISBURY — Needles can be scary, but are often used for a good cause. That will be the case Aug. 31 when the Salisbury Beach Betterment Association partners with the American Red Cross for a blood drive.

The blood drive will be held at Blue Ocean Music Hall from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to support the American Red Cross blood program. The nation has experienced a blood shortage, with the Red Cross declaring its first-ever blood crisis in January 2022, according to the organization’s website.

Organizer and resident John Schillizzi explained that he has worked as a liaison with other community organizations to help host blood drives in the past. He said he became a Red Cross blood drive host because of the struggle the organization and others like it have been facing.

“It has been ongoing for a couple of years now. It was a big problem during COVID because nobody really wanted to give blood, but the facilities were safe and all precautions were taken and, it’s what they do,” Schillizzi said. “But there is a shortage and that’s what we’re trying to do, just staying on top of it.”

SBBA President Bill Grelich said Schillizzi approached them about partnering for the event.

“Our mission is to enhance and protect the quality of life in Salisbury, so this kind of fits into that mission statement,” Grelich said. “We were delighted to get involved when he approached us.”

Schillizzi said the association has been very supportive in setting up the event and offering volunteers.

“They helped me in promoting it, putting up posters, which was supplied by the Red Cross. They are doing a lot of social media advertising and just putting up billboards here and there,” he said.

Schillizzi spoke about the turnout he expects.

“I usually have allowed 50 to 55 time slots and we usually fill it up,” he said. “This one’s been a little bit sluggish, but it’s only because of the time of year, I think. We’re trying to promote it until we get to that 50 or 55 number, and I think we’re about halfway there right now.”

Schillizzi said the blood drive will be held in honor of Louis Masiello, who died at his Salisbury home Nov. 23. Masiello served in many roles for organizations in Salisbury, including 14 years as Democratic Town Committee chairperson.

“He was very active in the community, very active in the SBBA, and we just wanted to get a mention of his name out there, just to keep his spirit alive,” Schillizzi said.

Schillizzi said he appreciated not having to rent out the venue for the day.

“Blue Ocean is donated to us by Wayne Capolupo. He’s generous enough to just give us the facility for the day,” Schillizzi said.

To learn more about American Red Cross blood drives, visit

Matt Petry covers Amesbury and Salisbury for The Daily News of Newburyport. Email him at: [email protected].

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