Sept 23 – Blood Drive in Holly

Sept 23 – Blood Drive in Holly

Holly, MI – Donate blood at  Holly Calvary Church, 15010 N. Holly Road. Appointments available 1pm and 7pm.

Saving the lives of patients in over 85 Michigan hospitals is our main goal. Making your visit to our community blood drives in Holly comfortable and safe is our goal too.

Blood Drive Dates: June 13, July 22, Aug 15, Sept 23, Oct 17, Nov 18, and Dec 12

Register online at

More info:


Ellen Pease, Holly blood drives volunteer

Important Versiti blood drive links

-Versiti Online Health Questions

-Versiti Impact Stories of recipients and donors of blood products

Versiti Blood Center of Michigan’s online

-Versiti Blood Center of Michigan’s Main phone number



For more things to do, visit the Oakland County Times Event Page! 

To submit event info email [email protected] .

Thank you to Jim Shaffer & Associates Realtors for sponsoring this section!

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