Patient-Focused Next Generation Home Blood Test for Cardiometabolic Health Now Available to Consumers

An alarming 93 percent of US adults have less than optimal cardiometabolic health1 and many are completely unaware of their risk—

New test provides end-to-end cardiometabolic health solution, with Fatty Liver Index and leading-edge vascular and insulin resistance markers—

ENCINITAS, Calif., Aug. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CardioMetaboliQ™, an advanced patient-focused at-home blood test that empowers users to take charge of their cardiovascular and metabolic health, is now available to consumers. The test is part of an end-to-end health solution developed by functional medicine specialist Dr. Steven Bennett, DC.

With the alarming rise in fatty liver, obesity and diabetes in the U.S., the testing and management of metabolic disease is in need of an overhaul. Patient-oriented testing based on the most current cardiometabolic research, in a convenient and affordable kit, is lacking.

The statistics in US adults are shocking, with obesity approaching 50%, fatty liver at 30%, 90+ million insulin resistant, 40 million type 2 diabetics and 88 million pre-diabetics. Most worrisome is that a large portion of this population is completely unaware that they are unwell.

This reality was brought to light in a large 2018 survey published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, which found that fully 93 percent of US adults have less than optimal cardiometabolic health.1

1) O’Hearn, Meghan et al, (

Better testing is needed
CardioMetaboliQ™️ was developed out of a need for better cardiovascular, metabolic and liver testing for patients. Dr. Bennett searched for cost-effective blood tests with Fatty Liver Index and more advanced vascular and insulin resistance markers, but none were available.

Cardiometabolic testing has fallen behind the latest research. Even with mainstream news covering fatty liver, obesity and pre-diabetes, a gap exists in available doctor-delivered and online labs testing. Current tests are not optimized for convenient, affordable risk assessment or patient success.

Taking the CardioMetaboliQ™ test
After mailing in a finger prick blood sample, the client receives their Health Report, describing the interconnected nature of their liver, heart and metabolic health. The test provides high level testing and insight without leaving the house, and at a reasonable cost.

Who needs CardioMetaboliQ™?

  1. Healthy patients – this group uses the CardioMetaboliQ™️ test as an “insurance policy” to confirm their current health standing where other tests are less comprehensive.
  2. Patients struggling with weight, diet, inflammation, blood sugar control – the test gives this group a health snapshot an easy-to-understand report, plus use of the CardioPredict™️ BioCalculators, where subscribers can analyze and calculate future health trajectories.
  3. Patients already managing metabolic challenges – this group appreciates this safe, natural adjunct that offers insight and actionable guidance to help them manage their conditions.

More than just a great test
The CardioMetaboliQ™️ test is just the initial step. Metabolism-focused dietary and exercise guidance, access to related blood panels like thyroid, wellness, and female health, predictive calculators, and cardiometabolic supplementation create an amazing end-to-end solution.

“We are extremely proud and excited to introduce CardioMetaboliQ™️,” said Dr. Bennett. “We see it addressing a large and growing need in the US and internationally. The subscription feature provides amazing resources and keeps the cost of testing and nutritional supplements more than affordable.”

CardioMetaboliQ™️ test kits start at $159 for subscribers ($218 non-subscribers) and are available for purchase here.

The at-home health testing market is revolutionizing healthcare and is expected to reach $2 billion by 2025.

About CardioMetaboliQ™

CardioMetaboliQ™️ LLC was founded by functional medicine specialist Dr. Steven Bennett, DC to deliver integrative, comprehensive and actionable health information into the hands of the patient, easily and affordably. The current US healthcare system can fall short in thoroughly assessing and addressing the critical area of cardiometabolic health. The CardioMetaboliQ™️ test and report provide a significant step in empowering people to take charge of their cardiometabolic health and wellness.

Stacey Doss, APR
[email protected]

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