Yoga for Herniated Disc to Relieve Spinal And Postural Disorders

Yoga is an old-age spiritual practice that can be quite effective for not only building your body strength but also for soothing different physical pains. Yoga for herniated discs is a natural remedy for getting a break from lower back pain and discomfort. Almost 5 to 2 people per 1000 people suffer from this painful spine dysfunctionality (1). However, yoga postures can not only alleviate this spinal disorder but also enhance muscular flexibility and physical movement (2). 

Another concern that a herniated disc can pose is posture misalignment that makes your back appear either bulged out or compressed (3). So, by making yoga therapies a part of your routine, you can get rid of unpleasant posture deformities and soothe nagging spinal and lower back pain naturally. Not to miss, you can stretch and relax your muscles to participate in physical activities with enthusiasm and less worry. Let’s explore yoga poses for the herniated disc so that you can engage in physical activity at home or include some yoga asanas in your yoga sessions with your yoga practitioner.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is a spinal condition that causes compression of the spine or spinal nerves (1). The most common symptom of herniated disc is extreme lower back pain (2). You may sense severe back pain or stinging sensation, especially in the lower back area as a result of this disc. 


Disc herniation occurs mostly in the lumbar spine and cervical spine and the thoracic spine may not be prone to this condition (2). Lumbar herniated discs may affect people in the 20-40 age group, causing shooting back pain and extreme discomfort (3). However, on average, 85% of the individuals dealing with this acute condition have recovered within 8-12 weeks, with a few exceptions (1). 

What Are the Causes of a Herniated Disc?

The causes of herniated discs can be classified in different ways. However, some of the common factors leading to herniated discs are (2), (4):

  • Strain or twisting of the back portion
  • Aging
  • Degeneration of intervertebral disk or nucleus pulposus
  • Trauma
  • Disorders of the connective tissues
  • Congenital disorders
  • Short pedicles
  • Lifting heavy load
  • Vitamin D deficiency

Yoga for Herniated Disc: 7 Best Yoga Poses to Try 

Studies indicate that yoga can heal back pain and disability besides enhancing spinal functioning (5). Some of the yoga poses for a herniated disc that can help improve blood circulation in the area, provide you pain relief from muscle tension, and treat a herniated disc are:

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc

Cobra pose is one of the most common forms of doing traditional sun salutation or Surya Namaskar. Lifting heavy things or sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time can cause a herniated disc. However, the cobra pose has been proven to reduce stress and strain on the neck and back area (6). So, if your sitting posture puts strain on your neck and back area, you may include this yoga practice in your routine to offer them much-needed comfort and improve blood flow in the area. 

Steps to Follow:

  • Spread your yoga mat or a soft cloth on the floor. You can also do this pose on the floor but ensure it is sturdy. 
  • Kneel and lean backward in a position where your entire body is extended and your face touches the floor slightly.
  • Try to lift your chest and face upwards by shifting the weight on your hands with your palms touching the ground.
  • Don’t put too much pressure on your hands. Rather, use them as a medium to use the lower body strength while moving your upper body.
  • Once you are in a lifted position, tilt your head upwards gently.
  • Ensure you’re stretching your spinal cord slowly. Avoid exerting pressure on it at a time.
  • After maintaining the posture, take a deep long breath through the nose and hold it for 45-60 seconds.
  • Exhale through your mouth strongly by sticking your tongue out.
  • Repeat the inhale exhale 5-10 times.
  • Relax your body by sitting and easing your hands and shoulders.

2. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc


A cervical herniated disc can lead to severe neck pain (7). Yoga poses including the camel pose have proven to be quite effective for reducing back and neck pain besides enhancing the motion of the spinal cord (8). So, if the irksome neck pain has been bothering you, camel pose can be the remedy you’ve been looking for all along.

Steps to Follow:

  • Spread your yoga mat on an even floor. Avoid doing this yogic pose on the ground directly as that may hurt your knees.
  • Kneel by making your knees the main point of your contact with the ground. 
  • Relax your legs backward and keep your feet close with heels facing upwards.
  • Tilt your head and chest backward while touching your feet with your hands.
  • Don’t push your head or spine. Instead, extend your arms, head, and chest backward slowly.
  • Once you get in the posture, check if you’re putting excessive pressure anywhere and try to release it. 
  • Take a deep breath expanding your chest and hips in a backward position.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale by gently exerting some downward force on the knees and thighs.
  • Repeat the same inhale-exhale technique 6-7 times.
  • Release your body gently, first by sitting in a vertical position and bringing your arms back.

3. Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc

Inadequate sleep has proven to be one of the leading causes of lower back pain (9). Yogic poses like locust poses have proven to enhance your sleep quality which may help in offering rest and comfort to your spine (10). So, by doing this asana, you can ensure your back gets proper rest and also improve your core strength. 

Steps to Follow:

  • Use a yoga mat or a soft cloth before doing this yogic exercise.
  • Lie down on your stomach and keep your arms (palms downwards) on your sides in a relaxed manner. 
  • Relax your body properly and keep your feet at a distance slightly.
  • Lift your head and chest slowly from the ground but ensure your stomach is in contact with the floor.
  • Lift your legs upwards while keeping your thighs on the ground. Relax your toes and point them towards the ground while maintaining the lifting position.
  • Next, lift your arms in a backward position. You may lift your legs and arms simultaneously.
  • You may keep your hands on the legs to get some support in between.
  • Either look straight or gaze towards the ground softly.
  • Once your upper body, arms, and legs are lifted properly, inhale and contract your abdominal muscles. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Exhale by releasing your abdominal muscles gently.
  • Take 5-10 breaths by following the same breathing technique.
  • Relax your chest, head, arms, and legs and bring them back on the ground. 

4. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc


A herniated disc may lead to posture deformities and spinal compression (3). The mountain pose helps in the proper stretching and extension of the spine and helps in maintaining and correcting the posture alignment (11).

Steps to Follow:

  • Place your yoga mat on the floor or choose a soft spot to stand on.
  • Stand straight by keeping your spine erect.
  • Keep a distance of 2-3 inches between your feet.
  • Relax your toes and lift them for a few seconds while inhaling. Ensure you’re breathing deeply.
  • Exhale and release your toes by placing them back on the floor.
  • Repeat the procedure 5-10 times.
  • Relax your feet or walk a bit before continuing.

5. Parsva Balasana (Bird Dog Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc

Parsva balasana has been proven to reduce lower back pain in pregnant women and enhance maternal well-being (12). So, if you’re expecting and wondering which yoga pose will ease your maternal journey, the bird dog pose will do the job for you.

Steps to Follow:

  • Spread your yoga mat on the floor.
  • Sit down and relax your body properly.
  • Lie down on your stomach and keep a pillow under it, if need be.
  • Lift your body gently by placing your hands under your shoulders.
  • Shift the weight slightly to your hands with palms down.
  • In this lifted position, extend one of the arms and the opposite leg and inhale.
  • Hold your breath and breathe out properly by relaxing your stomach.
  • Repeat the same procedure for another arm and leg.
  • You may do it 5 times.
  • Allow your body to relax and don’t put pressure on it.
  • You may take breaks in between to make your body comfortable with this yogic practice.

6. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc

Bridge pose has proven to be effective in enhancing the thickness of abdominal muscles which helps in increasing the lumbar strength and stability (13).


Steps to Follow:

  • Lie down on your back on the yoga mat.
  • Raise your legs in a way that your knees point upwards and your feet relax on the ground.
  • Keep your hands, and palms down on the ground and lift your hips and tailbone gently.
  • In this lifted position, take a deep breath by contracting your stomach.
  • Hold your breath and relax your abdominal muscles. Exhale.
  • You may try lifting your hips a little higher while keeping your arms and legs pressed on the floor.
  • Repeat the inhale-exhale technique 5-10 times.
  • Unwind by placing your hips back on the floor and extending your body.

7. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Yoga for Herniated Disc

Sukhasana can be quite effective for boosting spinal recovery and alignment (14). This yogic pose is considered to be comparatively easier to do. So, you may do this asana and relieve your spinal disorders naturally.

Steps to Follow:

  • Sit on a yoga mat or floor.
  • Relax your shoulders and neck while being in the seated position.
  • Sit in a cross-legged position by placing one leg on top of another.
  • Place your hands on your knees by keeping your palms down.
  • Gaze forward softly without straining your eyes.
  • Ensure your spine is in an erect position.
  • Take a long, deep breath and hold it for a few seconds.
  • Exhale by relaxing your body.
  • Change the cross-legged position by placing the other leg on the top.
  • Repeat this relaxing exercise 5-10 times.



Yoga, no doubt, is a spiritual practice but it also works like magic on your body. By doing yoga, you can make your muscles flexible and resistant to wear and tear. Including yogic practices in your routine can also offer soothing relaxation from various physical pains. Yoga for herniated discs may especially come as a relief to your aching back and misaligned spine. Including different asanas in your yoga sessions can help in stretching your spine properly to maintain your posture. Do yoga daily and it will take care of the rest.

ALSO READ: Yoga for Muscle Building to Make Your Body Flexible And Strong

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