Increased human infection risk? Bird flu kills scores of sea lions in Argentina


Aug 30, 2023 08:28 PM IST

Bird Flu In Argentina: Argentina animal health authorities recently reported dead sea lions in several locations along country’s Atlantic coast.

Scores of sea lions died from bird flu in Argentina, officials said amid an unprecedented global outbreak that continues to infect mammals. This has also raised fears that the virus it could spread more easily among humans. Argentina animal health authorities recently reported dead sea lions in several locations along country’s Atlantic coast- south of the capital Buenos Aires to Santa Cruz near the southern tip of the continent.

A dead sea lion lying on the beach in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.(AFP)

Another “50 dead specimens have been counted… with symptoms compatible with avian influenza,” a statement from a Patagonian environmental authority said as authorities asked people to avoid beaches along Argentina’s roughly 5,000-kilometer coastline where cases have been reported, news agency AFP reported.

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Hundreds of sea lions- marine mammals like seals and walruses- were reported dead in Peru earlier this year as the virus ravaged bird populations across South America. The H5N1 bird flu has typically been confined to seasonal outbreaks but since 2021 cases has emerged year-round leading to what experts say is the largest outbreak ever seen.

Although there is no treatment for bird flu which spreads between wild birds and can also infect domestic poultry. The viruses do not typically infect humans, although there have been rare cases.

The outbreak has infected several mammal species such as minks and cats. The World Health Organization warned in July that this could help the virus adapt to infect humans more easily.

“Some mammals may act as mixing vessels for influenza viruses, leading to the emergence of new viruses that could be more harmful to animals and humans,” the WHO said.

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    Mallika Soni

    When not reading, this ex-literature student can be found searching for an answer to the question, “What is the purpose of journalism in society?”

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  • Bird Flu
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