Monthly Archives: August 2023

Food and Drug Administration approves 1st maternal RSV vaccine to help protect infants

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first maternal vaccine intended to help protect newborns against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The vaccine would be given during late pregnancy to reduce the risk of severe RSV infection among newborns. However, the vaccine won’t be available on pharmacy shelves for pregnant women immediately. […]

Endometriosis Surgery—Procedure Types and What To Expect

The diagnosis of endometriosis hinges on both the stage of the ailment and its impact on the body. This disorder involves the development of cells resembling the uterine lining (endometrium) outside the uterus, specifically on adjacent organs like the intestines, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The presence of these abnormal tissues gives rise to pain and […]

What Causes Eczema?

Here’s what researchers know about the potential causes of this common skin condition. Eczema, a dermatological condition characterized by itchy, dry, and reddened patches of skin, often leading to peeling, blistering, and the formation of sores, affects a substantial portion of the American population, exceeding 30 million individuals as reported by the National Eczema Association. […]

What Is in the Flu Shot? Here’s How Experts Explain Common Ingredients

Remember: the ingredients in your flu vaccine are there to keep you safe from a deadly virus. When discussing the flu shot, it’s important to address prevalent myths and misinformation, with one of the most pervasive and incorrect beliefs being that the flu shot can actually cause the flu. This misconception stems from a partial […]

Where To Get a Free Flu Shot—With or Without Insurance

You can get free flu shots without insurance through a healthcare provider, urgent care center, job, school, pharmacy, or grocery store. The guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) underscores the importance of receiving an annual flu vaccination for individuals aged six months and above, with only limited exemptions. It is […]

13 Conditions That Mimic Fibromyalgia

Do you think you might have fibromyalgia? The symptoms may be due to some other condition. Suspecting you might be dealing with fibromyalgia? Identifying this condition can be remarkably challenging, even for medical professionals. Concrete diagnostic methods such as blood tests or scans do not exist, making the initial diagnosis of fibromyalgia primarily a process […]

How Long Does It Take for the Flu Shot To Be Effective?

Take proactive measures to prepare for the yearly flu season by prioritizing the acquisition of your flu shot. This crucial safeguard, known as the influenza vaccine, plays a pivotal role in shielding you from an array of influenza virus strains. Operating within the confines of the United States, all flu vaccines adhere to the “quadrivalent” […]

Covid-19 infection linked with high blood pressure in adults, finds study

ANI | | Posted by Zarafshan Shiraz, Washington [us] Aug 22, 2023 10:46 AM IST Share Via Copy Link Given the sheer number of people affected by Covid-19, statistics by new study suggest that many patients will likely develop high blood pressure in the future According to new research published in Hypertension, an American Heart […]

Endometriosis Overview

Endometriosis emerges when the endometrial tissue, typically found lining the uterine interior, aberrantly proliferates in locations beyond its normal confines. This aberration can lead to incapacitating pain and compromised fertility. Despite its prevalence, affecting approximately 11% of women, a significant portion of cases remain undetected and undiagnosed. What Is It? Endometriosis is a prevalent medical […]