Monthly Archives: August 2023

Clinical characteristics and homology analysis of Staphylococcus aureus from would infection at a tertiary hospital in southern Zhejiang, China.

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), especially Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), has been disseminated across communities and hospitals, associated with severe infections and organ failure. In order to understand the clinical epidemiological characteristics of S. aureus stains in the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University in 2018, the prevalence and the drug resistance of S. […]

CDC Releases New Prescription Opioid Guidelines for Treating Pain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new guidelines for prescribing opioid painkillers, aiming to provide more flexible and individualized approaches to pain care. The guidelines no longer include a recommended ceiling for opioid dosage and encourage healthcare providers to consider non-opioid therapies as the first line of treatment. The revised guidelines […]

Postpartum Depression Overview

Postpartum depression extends beyond the common experiences of feeling overwhelmed, teary, or moody in the immediate postpartum period, often referred to as the “baby blues.” While these emotions are normal, postpartum depression is a more severe condition that can persist for several months. If you find yourself overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, or other […]

Is Liver Disease Hereditary? 5 Genetic Predisposition Of Liver Disease

As many as 32 per cent of the Indian population is estimated to be affected by NAFLD. 5 genetic variables may also result in non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD). Liver disease defines several conditions affecting the liver, including inflammation, hepatitis, and liver cancer. Dr Rajiv Lochan, Lead Consultant – HPB and Liver Transplantation Surgery, Manipal Hospital […]

Signs and Symptoms of Lupus

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy cells or tissues, leading to inflammation throughout the body. This condition can affect various organs and tissues, including the muscles, joints, skin, heart, kidneys, lungs, and blood. The symptoms of lupus can vary in severity and presentation from person to person. […]

What Is Kyphosis?

Kyphosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. It typically involves a forward curve in the vertebrae at the upper part of the back. This natural curve is present in most individuals to some extent and does not usually cause any pain or postural issues. However, when the curvature exceeds 50 […]

The Best Medications to Treat Back Pain

You are not alone in finding that your typical OTC pain reliever is no longer effective for your back pain. Up to 23% of individuals experience persistent low back discomfort, per a 2018 review published in American Family Physician.1 It might take time and some trial and error to discover the proper treatment for back […]