Monthly Archives: August 2023

Your Heart Loves Exercise—Even If You Only Do It on the Weekends

People who exercise solely on the weekend are likely to get the same cardiovascular benefits as those who spread out their workouts throughout the week, a new study finds. Finding time to work out each day can sometimes be a challenge, but the new research found that these “weekend warriors” don’t necessarily miss out on […]

Loss of smell no longer a common sign of COVID-19 infection, researchers find

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the loss of smell and taste were often telltale signs that a person had been infected b the coronavirus. The unusual symptom added another layer of misery to the illness by interfering with the enjoyment of food and way people sense the world around them. More than three […]

The Hardest Question in Infection Control: Did You Perform Hand Hygiene?

“Clean hands save lives.” “Save lives: Clean your hands.” “Washed hands are caring hands.” “The number 1 way to prevent health care–acquired infections (HAIs) is to wash your hands.” These are only a few sayings commonly heard and promoted in the medical field, but are these sayings true? The answer is an overwhelming yes. The […]

In rare case, man develops ‘flesh-eating’ bacterial infection on both legs, but 4 days apart

An illustration of Streptococcus pyogenes, which can cause necrotizing fasciitis, a “flesh-eating” infection. (Image credit: Shutterstock) A man was recently diagnosed with and treated for a “flesh-eating” bacterial infection in his right leg — only to have it spread to his left leg four days later, according to a new report of the case.  The […]

Even just 1 alcoholic drink a day may increase blood pressure, study finds

Alcohol guidance from the CDC Alcohol can have very dangerous long-term effects on a person’s health if abused. The study, published Monday in the American Heart Association Journal Hypertension, found that routine consumption of alcohol was associated with a rise in blood pressure. Paul Whelton, a professor at Tulane University and lead researcher on the […]

Blood Drive

Sarah Bush Lincoln Bonutti Clinic will host a community blood drive with ImpactLife, the provider of blood components for local hospitals, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 10, at 1303 W. Evergreen Ave, inside Donor bus in the parking lot. To donate, contact Leann Brackney at 217-258-4076 or visit and use […]

Coronavirus infections up in July 24-30, with 24 deaths

The number of confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 in the July 24-30 period was up compared to the previous week, according to the weekly bulletin of the National Public Health Organization (EODY), published on Thursday. Hospital admissions for coronavirus increased to 321 last week and also rose 41% overall compared to the average weekly admissions over […]

Normal Creatinine Levels (In Urine, Blood, Pregnancy And More)

Creatinine levels are influenced by a variety of factors like age and sex and can fluctuate due to dehydration or changes in muscle mass. Changes in creatinine levels can indicate the presence of certain health conditions, such as kidney diseases or disorders affecting muscle breakdown. Low Levels of Creatinine Common reasons for low blood levels […]

Can a Beer a Day Increase Your Blood Pressure?

NEW ORLEANS, La. (KPEL News) – What effect does alcohol have on your health? Is it heart-healthy? How much is too much? These questions have been researched, debated, and discussed for decades. What about your blood pressure? How does drinking alcohol affect that? 15 years ago, a report published in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Medicine […]