Monthly Archives: August 2023

Ozempic and Pregnancy: What Every Expectant Mother Should Know

The soaring fame of GLP-1 agonists, like Ozempic, developed to assist individuals in managing Type 2 diabetes and obesity, has garnered attention in the media due to its side effect of weight loss, catching the interest of celebrities and influencers. However, this surge in popularity has also led to questions concerning the potential impact of […]

A New Gene Therapy Aims to Cure Blood Disorders Like Sickle Cell With One Shot

Sickle cell disease is debilitating. Due to faulty genetic code, red blood cells morph from round and plump into jagged monstrosities that scrape and puncture blood vessels. Over time symptoms build up, eventually damaging major organs like the liver, heart, and kidneys. The disease was incurable—until gene editing came along. In 2020, a breakthrough technology […]

Researchers develop fast, inexpensive, scalable method for engineering blood vessels from natural tissue

<div data-thumb="" data-src="" data-sub-html="The tissue engineered blood vessels have an inner endothelial layer and outer muscle layer supported by a polymer frame (PCL tube). Credit: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c08511″> The tissue engineered blood vessels have an inner endothelial layer and outer muscle layer supported by a polymer frame (PCL tube). Credit: […]

Everything You Need to Know About Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

Hypereosinophilic syndromes are a varied group of rare blood diseases. The primary factor they have in common is a very high level of a type of white blood cell called eosinophils. While usually an essential part of the immune system, too many eosinophils in various parts of the body can cause organ damage. These syndromes […]

New Hampshire Governor Signs Pet Insurance Standards Into Law

Article 0 Comments New You can now listen to Insurance Journal articles! New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has signed into law legislation establishing pet insurance regulations. “Pets become family,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “This law will provide Granite Staters with peace of mind and opportunity to ensure their pets can receive the best care possible. […]

How Does FAS Affect People?

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) describes a group of permanent symptoms experienced by people who were exposed to alcohol in utero (during pregnancy). There are currently five conditions that make up FASD, including fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is characterized by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), craniofacial (head and face) differences, neurodevelopmental abnormalities (including behavioral issues), […]

Symptoms: Bilateral Mixed Hearing Loss : The Hearing Journal

JavaScript ErrorJavaScript has been disabled on your browser. You must enable it to continue. Here’s how to enable JavaScript in the following browsers: Internet Explorer From the Tools menu, select Options Click the Content tab Select Enable JavaScript Firefox From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options Click the Security tab Click Custom Level Set Active […]

Dear Doctor: I’d like to remain a blood donor. Can supplements increase my hemoglobin level?

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 35-year-old female and have recently began donating blood regularly. My hemoglobin level was initially around 15 g/dL when I started donating, and it has tapered down to around 12-12.5 g/dL with regular donations. 12.5 g/dL is the minimum requirement for donating. I had to wait an extra month after […]