Monthly Archives: August 2023

Australia woman’s brain invaded by parasitic worm that normally infects pythons

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan revealed the woman had a lesion in her brain (left), which doctors later found to contain a 3.15 inch-long worm (right). (Image credit: Hossain, M. E., et al. (2023). (CC BY 4.0)) A woman in Australia has become the first known person in the world to be infected […]

Scalise, No. 2 House Republican, Says He Has Blood Cancer

The Louisiana Republican said he had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, but would return to Washington to continue working as he undergoes treatment. Representative Steve Scalise, Republican of Louisiana and the majority leader, said Tuesday he had been diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer, but planned to return to Washington to continue working […]

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has a ‘very treatable’ blood cancer

The House’s second-highest ranking Republican said he intends to continue working as he receives treatment and will return to Washington, D.C. In a statement Tuesday, Scalise said he received the diagnosis after he had felt off and had blood work done. In 2017, Scalise was shot in the hip while practicing for the annual Congressional […]

Rep. Steve Scalise diagnosed with blood cancer and undergoing treatment

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 2-ranking House Republican, said Tuesday he has been diagnosed with a form of blood cancer known as multiple myeloma and is undergoing treatment. Scalise, 57, said he will continue to serve in the House. He described the cancer as “very treatable” and said it was detected early. […]

Woman’s series of odd symptoms were from 3-inch worm living in her brain

A 64-year-old Australian woman is the first documented human to be infected with a type of parasite normally found in carpet pythons. Doctors extracted a 3.1-inch living roundworm from her brain after more than a year of worsening symptoms, according to a case study in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases. It also may be the […]

Superbugs are overpowering antibiotics. We should fight them with phage therapy.

In 1917, a Franco-Canadian scientist pioneered a treatment that’s become a powerful weapon against antibiotic-resistant infections. It should be available here. (Illustration by Pete Ryan) I have a clear memory of sitting on a Toronto-area park bench in 1985 as my dad—a computer executive and jack-of-all-trades—explained the arms race between our cells and a new […]

What is Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome?

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), the most prevalent epigenetic disorder, has a variety of clinical symptoms, including overgrowth, abdominal wall defects, and predisposition to embryonal tumors. The clinical symptoms of BWS range in severity and are commonly identified neonatally or in early childhood. Image Credit: Marko Poplasen/ It is a human genomic imprinting disorder linked with changes in […]