Monthly Archives: August 2023

What to know about the rare flesh-eating bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus, in coastal waters

The recent death of a Town of Brookhaven man due to a rare flesh-eating bacterial infection has cast a spotlight on Vibrio vulnificus. This bacteria is commonly found in some coastal waters as well as in uncooked and raw shellfish. In rare cases, it can cause serious illness and death among people with certain health […]

Behind the make-up of ‘Bottoms’: ‘If we could have used more blood, we would have’

Part teen sex comedy, part Fight Club smackdown, Bottoms‘ wild duality comes through loud and clear in every aspect of its filmmaking — including its makeup looks. Characters are just as likely to be dusted with glitter as they are to be drenched in blood. Sometimes, they’re both at once! So for Bottoms makeup department […]

Blood donation rules change, allowing gay and bisexual men to donate

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently removed rules that specifically limited when gay and bisexual men could give blood, which officials hope could increase the number of donors at a time when blood banks are desperate for donations. Starting Aug. 21, the same questionnaire will be given to anyone who wants to donate blood, […]

4 people hospitalized, 100 others report symptoms, in E. coli oubreak at UA

em { display: contents !important; } label em { display: none !important; } .photo { width: 100%; max-width: 50rem } { color: #0274b7 !important; } An outbreak of E. coli bacteria infections at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville has caused four people to be hospitalized, with about 100 others reporting symptoms in recent days, […]

Iron therapy linked with reduced hospitalisation in iron-deficient heart failure patients

Notes to editor ESC Press OfficeTel: +336 61 40 18 84Email: [email protected] The hashtag for ESC Congress 2023 is #ESCCongress Follow us on Twitter @ESCardioNews  This press release accompanies both a presentation and an ESC press conference at ESC Congress 2023. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Society of Cardiology. Funding: CSL […]

Actress Charlotte Carroll and Made in Chelsea star’s daughter dies aged 2

Made in Chelsea’s Diego Bivero-Volpe and his actress wife, Charlotte Carroll have revealed their two-year-old daughter Aurelia has died.  The little one passed away earlier this month, due to a rare form of blood cancer. A memorial was held on 17 August. The couple set up a GoFundMe page for the two-year-old where they shared the […]

Price tag on cardiovascular disease in Europe higher than entire EU budget

Amsterdam, Netherlands – 26 Aug 2023: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) cost the EU an estimated €282 billion in 2021, according to late breaking research presented at ESC Congress 2023.1 Health and long-term care accounted for €155 billion (55%) of these costs, equalling 11% of EU health expenditure. The analysis was a collaborative effort by the European […]

6 Signs Of Heart Problems That Have Nothing To Do With Chest Pain

Though chest pain is the symptom most commonly associated with cardiovascular issues, there are a range of atypical symptoms that may indicate something is wrong with the heart. High blood pressure, blood clots, arrhythmias and valve issues can trigger lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath and jaw pain. Because these symptoms aren’t so obviously linked to […]