Monthly Archives: August 2023

The Battle Against the Fungal Apocalypse Is Just Beginning

In February, a dermatologist in New York City contacted the state’s health department about two female patients, ages 28 and 47, who were not related but suffered from the same troubling problem. They had ringworm, a scaly, crusty, disfiguring rash covering large portions of their bodies. Ringworm sounds like a parasite, but it is caused […]

Once again, Novo’s semaglutide shows cardiovascular benefit, weight loss — this time in adults with heart failure

No­vo Nordisk’s GLP-1 We­govy has shown car­dio­vas­cu­lar ben­e­fit again, this time in the Phase III STEP HF­pEF tri­al, on top of the ex­pect­ed weight loss, the com­pa­ny an­nounced at the Eu­ro­pean So­ci­ety of Car­di­ol­o­gy (ESC) Con­gress to­day. Against place­bo, 2.4 mg of We­govy (semaglu­tide) showed “large” re­duc­tions in heart fail­ure-re­lat­ed symp­toms and phys­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions, as […]

Siemens unveils ‘truly revolutionary’ AI-enabled echo system

Siemens Healthineers has unveiled Acuson Origin, a new cardiovascular ultrasound system with robust artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that allow it to identify the anatomy being imaged and anticipate the next steps needed to advance patient care. The new system includes AI algorithms to automate approximately 500 different measurements. The system was unveiled Friday, Aug. 25, at ESC […]

New smartphone-based device can quickly identify infected wounds

It’s notoriously difficult for doctors to identify a wound that is becoming infected. Clinical signs and symptoms are imprecise and methods of identifying bacteria can be time-consuming and inaccessible, so a diagnosis can be subjective and dependent on clinician experience. But infection can stall healing or spread into the body if it isn’t treated quickly, […]

Eating Avocados: Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts

Avocados are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, K, and fiber. In recent decades, avocados have garnered a coveted reputation among health and wellness enthusiasts due to their abundance of essential vitamins, minerals, and beneficial nutrients. Despite their higher fat and calorie content, some individuals express concerns about the overall healthiness of avocados. […]

6 Health Benefits of Almonds

Everything you need to know about these super nutritious nuts, plus creative ways to cook with them and add them to your meals. Almonds stand out as nutritional powerhouses, offering a multitude of health benefits. Their versatility is evident in various forms – whole, chopped, sliced, ground into almond flour or butter, and even transformed […]

What Is Dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when the body expels more fluids than it takes in. This prevalent issue can impact individuals of all age groups, but it’s particularly pronounced among older adults, with estimates suggesting that around 17% to 28% of elderly individuals in the United States encounter dehydration. Additionally, heightened susceptibility is observed in infants, young children, […]