Recent advancements in gene supplementation therapy are expanding the options for the treatment of neurological disorders. Among the available delivery vehicles, adeno-associated virus (AAV) is often the favoured vector. However, the results have been variable, with some trials dramatically altering the course of disease whereas others have shown negligible efficacy or even unforeseen toxicity. Unlike traditional drug development with small molecules, therapeutic profiles of AAV gene therapies are dependent on both the AAV capsid and the therapeutic transgene. In this rapidly evolving field, numerous clinical trials of gene supplementation for neurological disorders are ongoing. Knowledge is growing about factors that impact the translation of preclinical studies to humans, including the administration route, timing of treatment, immune responses and limitations of available model systems. The field is also developing potential solutions to mitigate adverse effects, including AAV capsid engineering and designs to regulate transgene expression. At the same time, preclinical research is addressing new frontiers of gene supplementation for neurological disorders, with a focus on mitochondrial and neurodevelopmental disorders. In this Review, we describe the current state of AAV-mediated neurological gene supplementation therapy, including critical factors for optimizing the safety and efficacy of treatments, as well as unmet needs in this field.
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Author information
Authors and Affiliations
All authors researched data for the article. S.J.G. and Q.L. contributed substantially to discussion of the content. Q.L. and J.H. wrote the article. All authors reviewed and/or edited the manuscript before submission.
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Competing interests
S.J.G. has received royalty income from inventions discussed in the article, through licensing agreements with Neurogene, Asklepios Biopharmaceuticals, Taysha Gene Therapies and Abeona Therapeutics. A.B. has received royalty income from inventions discussed in the article from Axovant Gene Therapies and Neurogene. Q.L. has received royalty income from inventions discussed in the article from Taysha Gene Therapies.
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Nature Reviews Drug Discovery thanks Stephanie Schorge and Olivier Danos for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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Supplementary information
Supplementary Information
- Capsid
The structural protein surrounding the genome of an encapsulated virus, including adeno-associated viruses (AAVs).
- Convection-enhanced delivery
An experimental gene therapy delivery technique that uses a catheter to insert a thin tube into the brain and applies pressure to deliver the vector.
- Cross-reactive immunological material
(CRIM). Typically refers to the presence of ‘self’ antigens by an individual, such that their immune system is tolerant to those antigens.
- Episome
A closed circular extrachromosomal DNA molecule formed from a viral genome that serves as a transcription template.
- Haploinsufficiency
When one copy of a gene is mutated, which leads to loss of function of the protein, only half the amount of functional protein is produced, and that is not enough to support normal cellular functions.
- Hepatotoxicity
Liver-related adverse effects usually indicated by increased aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels, sometimes accompanied by thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy.
- Immediate early gene
A gene that is activated rapidly and transiently in response to a wide variety of cellular stimuli, such as neuronal activity.
- Intraparenchymal
Within the functional tissue of an organ, which in this Review refers to the brain.
- Kozak sequence
A nucleic acid motif for initiation of translation in vertebrates. The consensus sequence is GCCRCCAUGG, where R is a purine (A or G) and AUG is the initiation codon.
- Open reading frame
A start codon followed by a portion of in-frame DNA sequence that does not include a stop codon.
- Promoter
The upstream element to a gene that can control the timing and cell specificity of expression through the recruitment of transcriptional machinery.
- Serotype
A virus classification based on surface antigen expression and determined by immunological responses in host serum.
- Variant
Similar to serotype, a viral variant is classified according to surface antigen expression or other characteristics, but is not determined by immunological responses in host serum.
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Ling, Q., Herstine, J.A., Bradbury, A. et al. AAV-based in vivo gene therapy for neurological disorders.
Nat Rev Drug Discov (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41573-023-00766-7
Accepted: 06 July 2023
Published: 01 September 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41573-023-00766-7