Breast Cancer Mutations HER2V777L and PIK3CAH1047R Activate the p21–CDK4/6–Cyclin D1 Axis to Drive Tumorigenesis and Drug Resistance


Xiaoqing Cheng, Yirui Sun, Maureen Highkin, Nagalaxmi Vemalapally, Xiaohua Jin, Brandon Zhou, Julie L. Prior, Ashley R. Tipton, Shunqiang Li, Anton Iliuk, Samuel Achilefu, Ian S. Hagemann, John R. Edwards, Ron Bose; Breast Cancer Mutations HER2V777L and PIK3CAH1047R Activate the p21–CDK4/6–Cyclin D1 Axis to Drive Tumorigenesis and Drug Resistance. Cancer Res 1 September 2023; 83 (17): 2839–2857.

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