Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Addressing anxiety requires personalized approaches as there is no universal solution that fits every individual, whether they experience occasional anxious moments or have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. Alongside conventional therapy and medication, there are natural remedies for anxiety that can potentially alleviate specific symptoms.

Experts have been actively researching the role of natural remedies in addressing anxiety symptoms such as tension, worry, and rapid heartbeat. This research encompasses various approaches, including herbal supplements and mindfulness techniques. By exploring these natural remedies, researchers aim to identify effective interventions that can help individuals manage anxiety in a holistic and alternative manner.


Scientific studies have suggested that regular use of chamomile can be beneficial in reducing symptoms of moderate-to-severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD is characterized by excessive worry about everyday matters, leading to interference with daily functioning. In one study, participants experienced improvements in GAD symptoms after taking three 500mg capsules of chamomile extract daily over several months.

The research did not find any significant safety concerns associated with long-term use of high-dose chamomile oral extract. Although further research is needed to determine the exact safe dosage, it is generally considered safe to use chamomile in tea form or as short-term oral supplementation.

Adverse effects like nausea and dizziness are rare. However, it is important to be cautious of potential interactions between chamomile and blood-thinning medications (such as warfarin) or drugs used to prevent organ transplant rejection (such as cyclosporine). Additionally, individuals who are sensitive to pollens like ragweed may experience allergic reactions to chamomile.


Acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific points on the body by inserting thin needles into the skin. Although the exact mechanism of acupuncture is not fully understood, it has been historically used to alleviate pain, headaches, and side effects of cancer treatment. Researchers are also exploring its potential benefits for various conditions, including anxiety.

A review of 20 studies indicated that acupuncture can effectively reduce anxiety symptoms, particularly in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder. Acupuncture was found to have a faster onset of action compared to other treatments such as anti-anxiety medications, especially within the first six weeks of treatment. However, it should be noted that the reviewed studies focused specifically on generalized anxiety disorder, and further research is needed to determine the potential efficacy of acupuncture for other anxiety disorders.

Another review suggested that acupuncture may help alleviate anxiety symptoms in women undergoing treatment for substance abuse and in women undergoing in vitro fertilization. While these findings are promising, more research is required to establish the precise effects of acupuncture on these specific populations.

Both reviews concluded that acupuncture is generally considered safe when administered by an experienced and trained practitioner who utilizes clean needles. It is essential to ensure proper hygiene during acupuncture sessions, as using incorrect techniques or unclean needles can lead to serious side effects.


Studies have indicated that the use of lavender, whether consumed or smelled, can lead to a reduction in anxiety symptoms, particularly in the context of pre-surgery and pre- and post-chemotherapy situations. It is important to note that consuming lavender in the form of tea or extracts may have potential side effects such as headaches and constipation. Additionally, when used in conjunction with sedative medications, lavender may increase drowsiness. It is advisable to exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional before using lavender, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in seafood, shellfish, and fish oil supplements, are essential for brain cell development and support various fundamental functions in the body.

Studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may have a positive impact on anxiety. Research indicates that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids can be effective in reducing and preventing anxiety symptoms. This is particularly true for individuals diagnosed with specific anxiety disorders. Omega-3 supplementation has shown promise in mitigating anxiety symptoms and improving overall well-being.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B12 levels have long been associated with anxiety symptoms, and recent research supports the notion that individuals with anxiety often have lower levels of vitamin B12. Consequently, vitamin B12 supplementation is believed to be potentially helpful in reducing or preventing anxiety symptoms.

Similarly, vitamin B6 supplementation has shown promise in easing anxiety. High-dose supplementation of vitamin B6 has been found to reduce self-reported anxiety. While more extensive research is needed to establish conclusive evidence, some studies have also indicated that daily intake of vitamin B6 can reduce various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), particularly PMS-related anxiety.

B vitamins are generally considered safe to use, but they have the potential to interact with certain medications. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure their suitability and safety before incorporating vitamin B supplements into your routine.


Exercise plays a vital role in promoting overall health, including mental well-being. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans by the US Department of Health and Human Services acknowledge that regular exercise can contribute to a reduction in anxiety.

While it is recommended to engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, research suggests that even a single exercise session can have immediate temporary benefits in reducing anxiety. In fact, as little as five to ten minutes of aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, can provide short-term relief from anxiety symptoms. Consistent engagement in regular exercise may also lead to a decrease in long-term anxiety symptoms.

Mindful movement practices, such as yoga, are believed to have anti-anxiety effects. Incorporating practices that combine physical movement and mindfulness, like yoga, can offer additional benefits in managing anxiety.


Meditation is a relaxation technique that emphasizes intentional breathing and the connection between the mind and body. It is frequently recommended as a complementary practice in clinical anxiety treatment plans.

Research indicates that meditation can induce a deep state of relaxation, which may contribute to reducing anxiety symptoms in individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Engaging in meditation sessions has been associated with positive outcomes in managing anxiety. It is important to note that meditation carries virtually no risk, and trying out a meditation session is generally safe as long as you are in a secure environment where you can comfortably close your eyes and focus inward.


Engaging in journaling can be a helpful practice for working through anxious feelings and alleviating related symptoms. Expressing thoughts and emotions on paper allows the mind to process and gain clarity.

A study demonstrated that one month of “positive affect journaling,” where individuals wrote down positive feelings or emotions, led to reduced anxiety in individuals with various medical conditions who experienced heightened anxiety symptoms. However, further research is necessary to explore the potential benefits of different types of journaling techniques for anxiety before widespread recommendations can be made by experts. Nonetheless, journaling can serve as a valuable tool for self-reflection and emotional expression, which may contribute to managing anxiety.


L-theanine is an amino acid naturally present in green tea and available as a supplement. Research has explored its potential as an anxiety-reducing agent.

A review of existing studies suggested that taking 200-400mg of L-theanine supplements per day can lower anxiety levels in individuals facing stressful situations. However, it remains unclear how the effectiveness of L-theanine differs when consumed through green tea. The efficacy of L-theanine as part of tea requires further investigation.

Another study found that one month of L-theanine supplementation showed promise as a natural remedy for anxiety in healthy individuals.

While the Anxiety & Depression Association of America acknowledges these claims regarding L-theanine’s potential anti-anxiety effects, they note that the current evidence is limited. More research is needed to fully understand the extent and effectiveness of L-theanine in managing anxiety.


Magnesium is a mineral that can be found in foods such as whole grains, leafy greens, and milk. Its role in brain function suggests that it may have an impact on anxiety.

A research review has provided initial evidence suggesting that magnesium supplementation may have the potential to reduce mild anxiety symptoms, as well as symptoms of generalized anxiety and anxiety-related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). However, further studies are required to better understand the broader effects of magnesium on anxiety symptoms.

Additional research is also needed to determine the most effective form of magnesium for anxiety management. Various forms of magnesium supplements, including magnesium lactate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium glycinate, are available. Determining which form is most beneficial for anxiety-related symptoms requires further investigation.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm, an herb belonging to the mint family, has a historical reputation for its calming properties.

Although current research on lemon balm’s impact on anxiety is limited, there is evidence suggesting its positive effects on anxiety and mood. For instance, studies have demonstrated that consuming beverages infused with lemon balm can have a beneficial anti-anxiety effect on individuals recovering from heart surgery and severe burns.

While further research is needed to fully understand the extent of lemon balm’s benefits for anxiety, these initial findings suggest its potential as a natural remedy for anxiety management.