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Midland Health offers a free support group for all community members interested in learning about diabetic and cardiovascular health. COACH (Community Outreach and Cardiovascular Health) is a group of people diagnosed with heart disease who share everyday experiences or concerns and provide each other with encouragement, comfort and advice. CODE (Community Outreach for Diabetes Education) is a group of people with diabetes who share everyday experiences or concerns and provide each other with encouragement, comfort and advice.

Both support groups meet at Midland Memorial Hospital and are a chance to share experiences and health desires with others in the community. Midland Memorial is passionate about supporting the health goals of all its patients and community members. The support groups are free and open to the public. They provide an open and inviting space so community members on the same journey can connect and feel buoyed by others who have traveled the same path.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that approximately 650,000 Americans die annually of heart disease. The American Diabetes Association states that approximately 40 million Americans are living with diabetes, and more are diagnosed every day. Despite well-publicized guidelines on appropriately managing heart disease and diabetes, implementing risk-reducing practices remains poor and the rates of worsening health for Americans living with diabetes and heart disease continue to increase.

At Midland Health, we hope the shared experience among COACH and CODE support group members will benefit our community members and patients through lasting relationships built with group members who have similar feelings, worries, treatment decisions or treatment side effects. Participating in a group allows you to be with people likely to have a common purpose and the potential to understand one another. Group discussions can focus on topics like interventions to lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar, and body mass index to improve overall cardiovascular health and the management of diabetes. COACH and CODE is a place for relationship building to feel less lonely, to reduce stress and to talk openly about your feelings about your health journey and health desires. The support groups for heart disease and diabetes initiatives are to help all members gain a sense of empowerment, understanding and hope while assisting each member in improving their knowledge of the disease while managing their care.

This free community support group started in August of this year at Midland Memorial Hospital in the private dining room. The group will meet every second Monday of every month throughout the school year from 6 to 7 p.m. Please join us if you feel you might benefit from the support and fellowship of others on the same journey to wellness as yourself.  

Morgan Tennis is the Patient Education coordinator at Midland Memorial Hospital

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