The Blood Connection in need of donations after Idalia

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) – The Blood Connection and its hospital partners are facing an urgent need for blood donations, particularly Type O negative, and Type O positive types.

When Idalia came to the Lowcountry, mobile drives were canceled and two blood donation centers were temporarily closed.

Now officials with the Blood Connection are asking you to help save a life by donating.

The blood connection provided its partners with enough blood in anticipation of Idalia.

Labor Day weekend is traditionally a time when blood donations tend to drop, worsening the Carolinas’ shortage.

Type O negative and Type O positive blood types are particularly crucial right now, as they are the most transfused types during traumas and emergencies because they are universal donors.

There’s a blood drive happening Wednesday at the Waring Senior Center on Henry Tecklenburg Drive in Charleston from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

The next blood drive is Thursday at Bon Secours St Francis Hospital from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

And Saturday, at Shadow Moss Plantation community from 11 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Blood Connection spokesperson Jimmy Wooten explains the importance of Type O negative is critical during emergencies.

“When there are emergency and trauma situations, they’re not going to like say in a car wreck or something on an interstate, the ambulance, they’re not going to always test your blood right then and there. If you are needing that blood immediately what they’ll do is provide that O negative”, Wooten said.

The Blood Connection is urging everyone who’s healthy and able, to donate blood immediately.

If you can’t make it to the upcoming mobile drive, click here for more dates or to schedule an appointment with the Blood Connection center.

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