Australian state warns community of listeriosis amid rise in infections

SYDNEY, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) — Health authorities of Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) on Friday urged vulnerable residents to be cautious of listeriosis infections after the state saw a rise in cases.

NSW Health reminded people who are immunocompromised, pregnant, or aged over 65 years to avoid a range of foods that can cause listeriosis and be aware of the possible contamination of fruit while cutting it.

The foods listed include cold delicatessen meats, pre-cooked cold chicken, pre-cut fruit or pre-prepared fruit, unpasteurized milk or milk products, pre-packed cold salads, chilled or raw seafood, uncooked soft cheese, soft serve ice cream, and sprouted seeds.

Director of NSW Health’s One Health branch Keira Glasgow said the call came after the state saw the rising numbers of reported cases of listeriosis and the people treated in hospital for the illness.

“Already in 2023, we’ve recorded 25 cases of listeriosis among NSW residents, which is more than we usually expect to see in a whole year,” Glasgow said.

Listeriosis is a nationally notifiable disease in Australia. The infection, which comes from consuming food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, can cause severe illness or even death in people who are older, pregnant, or have underlying health conditions.

Symptoms usually start with fever and muscle aches. In people at high risk, the disease can rapidly spread to the blood or central nervous system, causing a sudden onset of fever, intense headache, stiff neck, confusion or delirium, convulsions, loss of balance, or a coma, according to the state health department.

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