Associated Student Government Looks to Kick Off Fall With Blood Drive

Sep. 11, 2023


A live look at Boss Hog at the annual 2023 U of A Spring Blood Drive

The Associated Student Government looks to bring others together to address the national blood shortage as it hosts the 2023 Fall Kick-Off Blood Drive.

U of A senior Gary Jackson, the dlood drive coordinator for ASG, is excited to resume his work from organizing the U of A’s first annual blood drive this previous spring, which totaled 747 donors, 563 new-time donors and the capacity to save 2,400 lives.

“Seeing so many students, faculty and staff come together to help others was the coolest, most inspiring thing I’ve ever been a part of,” Jackson said. “I look forward to building on last year’s progress to continue to make a difference in our community! I hope to see seats filled at our upcoming drive. Make sure to eat well and drink water the night before and the day of donating, and join me in saving a life!”
The blood drive will be hosted in the Union Verizon Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19. All donors will receive two service hours, free food and free T-shirts. Donors may register.

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