ASF Sweden: Total number of infections rises to 13

All infected ASF carcasses have been found in the direct vicinity of the town Fagersta, in the county Vastmanland, where the first 7 carcasses were also discovered.

The search continues

In a news release on the institute’s website, it was explained that the search for carcasses continues. At the moment, it is not quite clear how large the infected zone will turn out to be. The search has begun in the direct vicinity around first detected cases, but the search area will be expanded as time goes by. Participating hunters are exploring the relatively difficult terrain and also carcasses are found that died of other causes – not ASF related.

Fenced off area to keep ASF spread under control

In order to keep the spread of the virus under control, an area of roughly 1,000 km2 has been fenced off. In this area, all domestic pigs will have to be culled – this is about 50 animals according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the country’s agricultural ministry. These are kept on 1 farm with a local breed, the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported.

Minister Peter Kullgren of Rural Affairs already indicated that the Swedish Board of Agriculture is reviewing the option of financial compensation for affected producers. No official announcements have been made in public.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world

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