The Blood Center, D’Iberville Moose Lodge host blood drive honoring 9/11 victims

D’IBERVILLE, Miss. (WLOX) – Monday, The Blood Center hosted a blood drive with members of the D’Iberville Moose Lodge #332 on the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to honor the lives lost and to thank first responders who face tragedies every day.

The Moose Lodge supports lots of charitable activities and encourages community involvement.

The Blood Center holds drives every year on September 11. It says 60% of the US population is able to donate blood, but only 5% of the population does so.

Moose Lodge member Talmadge Shanks said he recalls being horrified while watching the attacks unfold on television while working in Jackson, Mississippi.

“It felt bad that somebody could be that stupid to do something to hurt that many people,” Shanks said.

Shanks said donating blood is the best way to pay homage to the victims.

“You give blood to give somebody else a chance, and that they may live a little longer,” he said.

Paul Adams of the Blood Center said he praises the Moose Lodge’s commitment to serve on a day like 9/11.

“It’s those donors and more importantly, those organizations that want to help out,” Adams said. “That is going to make a difference for the hospitals and our community.”

Adams said that blood donations are needed every day, not just on 9/11.

“If you’re over 17 years old or 16 with your parent’s consent, think about donating blood it takes only about an hour of your time it can mean the life of three other people that’s because your blood is separated into red cells, plasma, and platelets,” he said. “Each of those different components can help out somebody else.”

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