Groundbreaking New Medication Option for Blood Clot Patients Poses Less Bleeding Risk

September 18, 2023

People with atrial fibrillation (AFib) are at risk for bleeding while taking direct oral anticoagulants, but a groundbreaking new option is on the horizon.

Anthos Therapeutics announced today that AZALEA-TIMI 71 Phase 2 study in 1,287 patients with atrial fibrillation has been stopped early after meeting its primary endpoint. The study results showed abelacimab, a dual-acting factor XI / XIa inhibitor, demonstrated an unprecedented reduction in bleeding in the largest and longest head-to-head study comparing a factor XI inhibitor to the standard of care anticoagulant.

Leslie Lake, president of the National Blood Clot Alliance, said that this could signal a more effective treatment option for patients.

“Abelacimab has the potential to provide a game-changing treatment option for all those patients who live with the daily fear of bleeding while taking current anticoagulants” she said. “We can now imagine a future where these patients are able to resume and enjoy activities that they are currently being forced to give up due to concerns associated with bleeding. We are thrilled that AZALEA-TIMI 71 has demonstrated such a positive outcome and excited about the promise that it offers to patients.”

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