Need for blood leads vocational school to hold blood drives

BLOOMINGDALE — The need for blood donations has hit critical levels.

That is why those in the health technologies program at the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School are looking to bolster the supply by having a campaign beginning next month.

The program is joining forces with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive Oct. 11.

Registered donors and walk-ins may take part from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the health technologies lab.

Students will occupy stations to register and assist donors while Red Cross personnel will oversee the collection.

Instructor Tammy Sismondo stated it is one of several events planned this year because the demand is so great.

“We’re going to try to do at least two, possibly three because there’s a critical shortage of blood,” she said.

The health tech held biannual collections until activities were halted during the COVID pandemic in 2020.

Efforts restarted last year and Sismondo said about 41 units were collected at the most-recent event.

She hoped to see plenty of donors turn out for the upcoming drive, adding that it gives her students a chance to learn about leadership while saving lives.

“It’s all about giving back and helping the community,” she added.

In addition, graduating health tech students could earn Red Cross scholarships to benefit their college or related studies.

Those looking to contribute can call (800) 733-2767 or contact online by downloading the blood donor app or visiting and enter JVS to schedule an appointment.

Volunteers can streamline their donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete a pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of the appointment.

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