San Jose woman has all four limbs amputated after contracting rare bacteria infection
A woman in San Jose is recovering after contracting a bacterial infection from eating fish she cooked at home. After becoming severely ill, the 40-year-old mother had to have all of her limbs amputated to save her life.
After becoming severely ill, Laura Barajas had to have all of her limbs amputated to save her life.
A family spokesperson told KTVU they’re not ready to talk about it, but they wanted the public to know about this rare case of bacterial infection.
The post says Barajas bought fish from a grocery store in San Jose and cooked it herself.
“About 20% of people who get really sick from it, die. So, it’s nothing to laugh at, at all but fortunately, it’s not common,” Swartzberg said, adding he has no connection to Barajas’ case.
“Generally speaking, the reason somebody has to have a limb amputated is that there’s no longer viable tissue. You’re no longer getting blood to that extremity. So, no matter what you do, the tissue is dead,” Swartzberg said.
It says about 200 people a year get a Vibrio infection, experiencing diarrhea, stomach cramping, vomiting, chills and fever. The bacteria mainly live in salt waters on the East Coast and can be contracted through an open flesh wound or swallowing salt water. It can also be contracted by eating raw or undercooked seafood.
Swartzberg says washing your hands with soap and water is sufficient after handling raw seafood. He also emphasized that these cases are rare, especially on the West Coast, but people should still take precautions.
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