Answer to the Photo Quiz: Bloodstream infection in a neutropenic patient with severe aplastic anemia | Journal of Clinical Microbiology

Chen S-A, Perfect J, Colombo AL, Cornely OA, Groll AH, Seidel D, Albus K, de Almedia JN, Garcia-Effron G, Gilroy N, Lass-Flörl C, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Pagano L, Papp T, Rautemaa-Richardson R, Salmanton-García J, Spec A, Steinmann J, Arikan-Akdagli S, Arenz DE, Sprute R, Duran-Graeff L, Freiberger T, Girmenia C, Harris M, Kanj SS, Roudbary M, Lortholary O, Meletiadis J, Segal E, Tuon FF, Wiederhold N, Bicanic T, Chander J, Chen Y-C, Hsueh P-R, Ip M, Munoz P, Spriet I, Temfack E, Thompson L, Tortorano AM, Velegraki A, Govender NP. 2021. Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare yeast infections: an initiative of the ECMM in cooperation with ISHAM and ASM. Lancet Infect Dis 21:e375–e386.

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