Community blood donors urgently needed in September


Blood supplies have dropped to critically low levels, with only 50% of the donors needed in September amid high patient usage in Pacific Northwest hospitals. Type O and Platelets levels are currently hovering between critical and emergency.

Blood donation habits change during the summer. A schedule busy with summer activities and vacations means unavailable donors. As a result, nearly 7,500 open appointments still need to be filled in September.

Donating blood as often as you’re eligible, every 56 days, ensures a steady blood supply. Bloodworks Northwest urges community members of all blood types to book same-day or future appointments at a donor center or blood drive this fall.

“Although it’s easy to get out of routines in the summer, we need you back,” said Juan Cotto of Bloodworks Northwest. “For many of us, September is when you think about school supplies and preparing kids for the upcoming school year. It’s also a great time to think about blood supplies and take one hour to do your part to prepare your community and give blood.”

It takes 1,000 donations daily to meet the local needs of trauma, cancer, and surgery patients. Bloodworks reminds people that donors can donate blood ten days after COVID symptoms resolve and that COVID and Flu vaccinations do not affect your ability to donate blood.

It takes about an hour to give blood from check-in to post-donation cookie. Appointments and masks are required. Information about who can donate and where is available at

All donors this September and October can enter to win flyaway experiences to Las Vegas with VIP tickets to see Katy Perry or Carrie Underwood.

Bloodworks Donor Centers and Blood Drives:

Appointments and information at or 800-398-7888. See our list of Donor Centers and Blood Drives.

Book appointments now for Bloodworks new Beaverton Donor Center opening later this fall.

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