Aussie surf star gravely ill in Bali hospital, “I am in desperate need of some blood transfusions, I have lost a lot of blood.”

“My blood type is rare to find in Indo and I am looking for anyone who is a negative or O negative.”

The Gold Coast shredder Mark Richardson, a four-time Aussie champ who was famously stripped of his 2011 World Masters Title two years after winning it for testing poz to weed, the first and only surfer in history to be publicly shamed for delivering a positive test, has put out a call for blood from his hospital bed in Bali. 

“Hey guys, this is a bit of a serious post. I am in a Bali hospital and desperate need of some blood transfusions. I have lost a lot of blood. My blood type is rare to find in Indo and I am looking for anyone who is a negative or O negative to help me recover from this problem I have been facing.

Docs call O neg blood the the universal donor, although only about seven percent  of the world’s population have got it. This rarity makes O negative donors invaluable in emergency situations and for patients with rare blood types, as O negative blood can be safely transfused to people with any Rh factor, including those with positive blood types.

Like Richo, here. 

You in Bali, maybe throw a little claret a brother’s way.

As for that 2011 World Masters gold medal, ripped away in 2013, Kelly Slater waded into the controversy, saying the system is pretty dumb, anyway, and that he, as the world champ, was only tested once. 

“They tested us at the first event and I never got tested again all year. Why talk about it and not do it? Why bother? Either do it of don’t do it.”

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