Andrew Tate’s caused women’s blood vessels to ‘burst’ for ‘coercive control’

Andrew Tate’s made women’s blood vessels to ‘burst’ for ‘coercive control’

Andrew Tate has just found himself on the receiving end of a lawsuit, by four women who alleged, they were hurt, raped and even choked until “blood vessels burst.”

It is reported that over four British women are gearing up to take Tate to court over their allegations.

All of this has come while the influencer awaits trial in Romania for the prior allegations against him.

According to a report by The Sun, the four woman are set to file claims citing rape, coercive control, as well as choking, with the High Court in the coming week.

Many allege the violence inflicted upon them occurred between 2013-2016.

The report also accuses Tate of “choking them until blood vessels burst in their eyes, beating them with a belt, and raping them numerous times and coercively controlling them.”

One woman even has text exchanges with the star, where he admits to having ‘loved’ all the actions.

The four woman’s lawsuit was first filed right after the incidents occurred, but the Crown Prosecution Service did not charge the influencer under any counts, after a four-year investigation.

At the time, the outlet reports that a civil case lawsuit is the only way forward to speak out about the personal injury and physical harm that was inflicted.

One of the alleged victims also told the outlet, “We were forced to watch as Andrew was allowed to leave the country while still under investigation, and saw his fame and influence grow in the way that it did.”

British women’s solicitor at McCue Jury & Partners, Matthew Jury, is also hopeful of the situation and said, We know he is a wealthy individual.”

“Depending on the country in which assets are located, UK judgements are enforceable abroad.”

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