Utah Red Cross pleading for help amid massive nationwide blood shortage

SALT LAKE CITY — As Utah and the entire country deal with a blood shortage, the local chapter of the Red Cross is pleading for help, saying it only takes a few minutes to potentially save a life.

The Red Cross always has its doors open to everyone, whether you’re an experienced donor or not.

“We’re significantly short right now,” explained Sarah Martin with the Utah Red Cross. “We see a little bit of a slump every summer, but this summer was especially bad.”

Ramona Phillips says she’s donated more than three gallons of blood over the past several years.

“I’ve got the favorite blood, O positive, the universal, so they want me,” she laughed. “15 minutes, that’s it…and 1 poke.”

Donating blood, platelets and plasma are gifts that keep on giving but due to natural disasters that cancelled blood drives in other states, a shortage is impacting everyone.

The Red Cross has a connected series of blood banks, meaning they share supply across states so the shortage is felt around the country.

“It’s extremely critical, we have a national blood shortage,” said Jeremiah Lafranca with the Utah Red Cross. “We’re short about 30,000 units, we need about 10,000 units a week for the next month just to catch up and get back on track with where our blood supply needs to be.”

While donating platelets takes a bit more time, it really helps those who are dealing with traumatic injuries and critical illnesses such as cancer.

“I’ve had cancer myself, I’ve never had to have platelets, but I know anything that can help people in that terrible disease is more than beneficial,” explained Kent Miner, who is a 20-year platelet donor. “I just feel it’s a way I can give back to the community.”

Besides the satisfaction of giving to those in need, Martin said donors get a selection of delicious snacks and can participate in whatever promotion is going on at the time.

“The treats are solid, the treats are great,” she laughed. “Have some juice, have some cookies, get a T-shirt we’ve always got some fun promotions going on, so please come down.”

To get in on a blood donation drive near you, just schedule an appointment here.

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