Old Town High School JROTC hosts blood drive amidst national shortage

OLD TOWN, Maine (WABI) – “Giving blood’s an amazing opportunity to save a life!”

Saving lives is Kylie Murray’s goal as she organized a Red Cross Blood Drive at her high school in Old Town as part of her Junior ROTC program Wednesday.

The drive comes at a time where blood is in high demand.

“This blood drive is incredibly important because in October, which is just a couple of days away, 62% of our appointments in October are not filled,” explains Northern and Eastern Maine Red Cross Executive Director Caroline King. “That is a problem because we can’t make or manufacture blood, it has to come from someone who’s giving blood and we get real nervous when 62% of our appointments are empty.”

Thankfully, all appointments at the high school were booked with students, faculty, and community members donating and supporting the cause.

“Not only just students and teachers donate blood, but also members of the community will come in and that’s really good to see them getting involved with us as the JROTC program and around the school,” comments Norah Sandborn, a Senior and Battalion Commander of OTHS’ JROTC.

“We go around lunches and ask students if they want to sign up and, in that moment, it’s their choice. It’s not their parents’ choice, it’s not their teachers’ choice, they can choose if they want to do it,” says Murray, a S7 Cadet in JROTC. “And so I think it’s amazing to just give students that chance to come in here and feel like they’re doing something good.”

Dave Dillen is one of the community members who visited the school gymnasium to donate blood. He describes the importance as, “As a veteran, as a combat veteran, very important to have these blood drives. The need for blood is there at all times, I’ve been doing it for years. I think it’s our duty to help each other and to donate blood and save a life.”

“Just a few minutes ago, we had someone who was giving for his third time. He’s a senior this year getting ready to graduate. When you think about that, potentially how many people’s lives that could have impacted just in his three donations,” says Executive Director King.

Murray says that while the act of donating blood may seem small, it can create large impacts. “A lot of people think to save a life you have to pull someone out of a burning car or something, but you can go right to the Red Cross or local blood drive to save a life.”

To schedule an appointment or find a blood drive near you, visit Red Cross’ website or download the Red Cross app.

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