Monthly Archives: September 2023

New Workbook Supports Home-Based Cardiovascular Care

By Anuja Vaidya September 29, 2023 – The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has released a workbook that provides guidance and resources to support cardiovascular care in the home. The ACC Home-Based Care Workbook covers the pros and cons of home-based cardiovascular care, principles and objectives for developing a home-based care program, and key performance indicators […]

World Heart Day 2023: Doctor explains how to nurture young hearts for lifelong health

Image Source : FREEPIK A renowned doctor has explained how to nurture young hearts for lifelong health. Heart disease in children can be either in the form of congenital heart disease (CHD) or acquired heart disease. While the prevalence of CHD has remained almost the same there has been a concerning rise in the prevalence […]

Not an oncologist? What you should still know about chemotherapy emergencies

Natasha / Rachel Venable, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Oncology), founder of Pet Cancer Care Consulting, expressed the importance of knowing how to deal with chemotherapy adverse effects, even if you do not normally work with cancer patients. In her session at the Directions in Veterinary Medicine symposium in Nashville, Tennessee, she stated, “I know sometimes […]

Blood bank offers immersive digital experience for donors

AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – Beginning Sunday, CSRA residents will have the choice of experiencing a blood donation like never before. Shepeard Community Blood Center is introducing new technology through the Microsoft HoloLens. The immersive digital experience is known as “mixed reality.” Donors take a journey through the virtual adventure while they give blood. MORE FROM […]

Raising Lymphoma Awareness During Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Steven Eichberg was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2012. September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month — a month that has grown particularly meaningful to me. That’s because on June 6, 2012, I was first diagnosed with the blood cancer lymphoma. I soon learned that more than 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with lymphoma each year. Lymphoma is […]

TCM has positive effects on heart disease, experts say

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been found to have positive effects on treating and controlling atherosclerosis (AS), a main cause of coronary disease, strokes and peripheral vascular disease, experts said on Friday, World Heart Day, which is to raise public awareness of cardiovascular disease. AS incidence is rising in China due to changes in lifestyle […]

Study Reveals 60% Increased Risk Of Heart Attacks And Strokes In Marijuana Addicts

New Delhi: New medical research has revealed an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and strokes, among individuals grappling with marijuana addiction. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal ‘Addiction’, reported a 60% higher risk of experiencing their initial cardiovascular event for adults misusing cannabis, as per The New York Post.  The study […]

Infecting non-immune cells: Finding defies textbook understanding of leishmaniasis infection

Photomicrograph of spleen tissue showing the presence of numerous Leishmania donovani parasites in the amastigote form they take after infecting a host. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The organisms that cause visceral leishmaniasis, a potentially deadly version of the parasitic disease that most often affects the skin to cause disfiguring disease, appear to […]

AbbVie blood cancer drug fails in Phase 3 trial (NYSE:ABBV)

vzphotos/iStock Editorial via Getty Images AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV) announced Friday that its FDA-approved blood cancer therapy venetoclax did not reach the primary endpoint in a Phase 3 trial for patients with multiple myeloma as a late-line combination regimen. Citing data from its CANOVA study, the company said that venetoclax plus dexamethasone did not indicate a statistically […]