Monthly Archives: September 2023

‘Lessons have been forgotten’: is the UK ready for a new Covid variant?

“New variant”, “care home outbreak”, “cases rising”: you’d be forgiven if the headlines around Pirola, or BA.2.86, the latest Covid strain to arrive in the UK, had triggered a severe case of pandemic deja vu. More than two years since the UK’s last lockdown, concerns over BA.2.86 – known to have infected dozens of people […]

American Red Cross to hold blood drive Sept. 19 in Princeton

The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19, at Allegion-LCN, at 1224 N. Main St. in Princeton. The American Red Cross is experiencing a national blood shortage after fewer donors than needed gave blood over the summer, drawing down the national blood supply and reducing […]

Charleston County libraries providing blood pressure kits for check-out at every branch

Charleston County residents can now check out free blood pressure kits at all 18 branches of the county public library system. The kits can be checked out with a library card. They include a blood pressure cuff, instructions and educational materials about how to properly manage your blood pressure.  The initiative is made possible through […]

5 THINGS TO KNOW: When and where are the next blood drives and can I donate?

The Oklahoma Blood Institute gives information on upcoming blood drives around the area and the requirements to donate. More information can be found by visiting 1 When are the next blood drives in the McAlester area? Blood drives will be held on Sept. 25 at the Choctaw Nation Casino from 11 a.m. to 4 […]

When and where are the next blood drives and can I donate?

#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } The Oklahoma Blood Institute gives information on upcoming blood drives around the area and the requirements to donate. More information can be found by visiting 1. When are the next blood drives in the McAlester area? Blood drives […]

By Dr Nicola Davies Thyroid cancer is a rare cancer that encompasses several variations (Table 1).1-3 The incidence is higher in women compared to men.4 Worldwide, the most common age at onset is between 15 and 49 years in females, compared to 50 and 69 years in males.5 However, the reasons behind this disparity are not fully understood. Table 1. Types of thyroid cancer Type of Thyroid Cancer Characteristics Papillary Most common type, slow-growing,…

By Dr Nicola Davies Thyroid cancer is a rare cancer that encompasses several variations (Table 1).1-3 The incidence is higher in women compared to men.4 Worldwide, the most common age at onset is between 15 and 49 years in females, compared to 50 and 69 years in males.5 However, the reasons behind this disparity are […]

RETFound: New AI model to detect retinal disease biomarkers developed by Moorfields Eye Hospital

(Image Credit: ©Ayesha – Moorfields Eye Hospital and University College London (UCL) Institute of Ophthalmology announced in a press release that they have developed a first-in-the-world artificial intelligence (AI) foundation model for ophthalmology, called RETFound, that was trained on 1.6 million retinal images from the Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.1 In addition to identifying […]