Monthly Archives: September 2023

Cardiovascular Biology Research in Progress

The Cardiovascular Biology Research in Progress (CVB RIP) is a collaboration between the Yale Cardiovascular Research Center (YCVRC) and the Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Program to foster collaboration and raise awareness of cardiovascular research at Yale. The goal of this series, which is organized and moderated by trainees, is to provide a supportive learning environment […]

Red Cross declares national blood shortage amid record climate disasters this year

What to Know The American Red Cross Blood is urgently calling for donations after announcing that the national blood supply has hit “critically low levels.” The year has broken a record of disastrous weather events across the nation with 23 individual climate-related disasters, according to the NOAA. Red Cross is closely watching Hurricane Lee and […]

Long Covid is a new name for an old syndrome

Long Covid goes by many names. Today, it is no longer a new public health enigma, but the outlook for sufferers is no better than when the condition was first recognized in early 2020. Although its prevalence has recently decreased to 6% of the U.S. adult population, there has been no significant progress in understanding its causes, […]

Cardio Command Reviews: Will BioTrust Cardiovascular Health Formula Work for You?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. According to the World Health Organization, there were 17.9 million deaths in 2019 related to this condition. Of all the deaths, 85% were due to stroke and heart attack. The most common risk factors of cardiovascular disease include alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of daily […]

What is the Nipah virus that killed two in India and how is it treated?

NEW DELHI, Sept 14 (Reuters) – India’s southern state of Kerala shut some schools and offices this week as officials raced to halt the spread of the deadly Nipah virus, after it killed two people in the fourth outbreak since 2018. Here is what we know about the virus: WHERE DID THE VIRUS COME FROM? […]

How E. coli infections wreak havoc on the body, causing dangerous disease — particularly in kids

Escherichia coli, or E. coli, are a diverse group of bacteria. They typically thrive within the intestines of healthy animals. And, most of the time, they’re perfectly harmless. But in some cases, certain strains are capable of causing severe disease, by rapidly spreading through the human digestive system, wreaking havoc throughout the bloodstream, and eventually […]

Finnish fur farms with bird-flu infections ordered to cull all animals

“The longer viruses can circulate in mammals, the higher the risk for mutations that can cause infections also in humans. Concerning mutations that make it easier for the virus to transmit to mammals have so far been detected in the viral genome isolated from animals at six farms. The mutations have been detected in minks, […]

Mother of blood cancer survivor in drive for stem cell donors in England

A campaign to get more people to donate stem cells is taking place across England this weekend, as charities say there is an urgent need to increase the register in the UK. A network of mothers have teamed up with the blood cancer charity DKMS to raise awareness and encourage more people to register to […]