Monthly Archives: September 2023

Brain Training and Memory: What To Know

Brain training games have gained popularity as a means to improve cognitive abilities and maintain mental sharpness. However, the effectiveness of these games has been a subject of debate. Research has shown that supervised group training with brain games can lead to improvements in memory and mood among older adults experiencing mild cognitive decline. It […]

5 Tasty Masoor Dal Recipes To Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check

Diabetes has become a major health concern. Every year, more and more people are diagnosed with this irreversible condition. It is characterised by sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. While genetics can certainly play a role in the development of diabetes, our daily dietary choices make a huge difference as well. Diabetics are often advised […]

‘Blood clot risk’ if ibuprofen and hormonal contraception taken together

Women who take ibuprofen and hormonal contraception together are at higher risk of blot clots, a study has found. New research has revealed that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) painkillers when taken alongside hormonal contraception could increase the risk of a venous thromboembolism, or blood clot, by fivefold. Over a 20-year period, researchers from the University of […]

GRDHD reports increase in COVID-19 infections

#inform-video-player-1 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #inform-video-player-2 .inform-embed { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } On Wednesday, the Green River District Health Department, which covers a seven-county area, reported it had investigated 1,203 new COVID-19 infections during August, a significant increase from the 182 cases reported for July. According to GRDHD, 468 cases were […]

UNLPD hosting 9/11 Remembrance Day blood drive

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Police Department has partnered with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive Sept. 11, 9/11 Remembrance Day. Alli Schultze, dispatch supervisor, has assisted in coordinating UNLPD’s fourth American Red Cross Blood Drive that will take place 12:30-6:30 p.m. Sept. 11 in the north interior bus lobby of UNLPD. “There is always […]

Birmingham family with sickle cell back black blood donor plea

Family/NHS Blood and Transplant By Andrew Dawkins BBC News Three members of a family with sickle cell are backing a call for more black blood donors to help those with the condition. Rebecca Solomon-Henry, 39, stated her blood was “becoming harder to match”, as NHS Blood and Transplant said patients on an exchange programme need […]

A Single Drug Could Treat America’s Top Two Killer Diseases

What would you guess are the two biggest killers in the world? Based on media coverage, maybe you guessed gun violence, accidents, or COVID-19. But the top two killers are actually cardiovascular disease and cancer. These two diseases combined account for nearly 50 percent of deaths in the US. Cardiovascular disease and cancer seem to […]