Monthly Archives: September 2023

Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron, an essential mineral, plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells within the body. Shockingly, it is estimated that up to 1.5 billion individuals worldwide suffer from iron deficiency. This condition is the leading cause of anemia, a health disorder characterized by insufficient red blood cell production, resulting in inadequate oxygen […]

What Is MCH?

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is indeed a measurement that provides information about the average amount of hemoglobin in each red blood cell. Hemoglobin is a vital protein responsible for carrying oxygen to the body’s tissues and removing carbon dioxide. When your MCH level is lower or higher than the normal range, it can suggest certain […]

How To Cope With a Narcissistic Family Member

Frequently, the term “narcissist” is used loosely, but it goes beyond mere self-confidence. Narcissism involves an inflated self-view and actions taken to uphold that perception, often at the expense of others. This exaggerated self-image can be indicative of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a clinically recognized mental health condition. NPD can have detrimental effects on relationships […]

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Addressing anxiety requires personalized approaches as there is no universal solution that fits every individual, whether they experience occasional anxious moments or have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. Alongside conventional therapy and medication, there are natural remedies for anxiety that can potentially alleviate specific symptoms. Experts have been actively researching the role of natural remedies in […]

Fresh Covid wave in US worse than what official data suggests: Report

Rates of severe Covid disease may be staying at relatively low levels in the US, but experts agree that there are probably more infections than the current surveillance systems can capture, reports CNN. Virus levels in the US have been on the rise for weeks and federal data suggests that the current increases have stayed far […]

Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety disorders are characterized by frequent and overwhelming feelings of anxiety that can significantly impact one’s daily life. While everyone experiences anxiety at times, persistent and excessive fear or worry may indicate an anxiety disorder. There are various types of anxiety disorders, but they all share the common symptom of excessive fear or worry. Anxiety […]

What Is the Dark Triad and Why Are People With These Traits So Dangerous?

The term “dark triad” may evoke images of a horror movie or video game, but it refers to a troubling combination of personality traits found in some individuals. To shed light on this concept, we consulted with experts who provided insights into the dark triad, including its definition, signs of a dark triad personality, and […]

Signs of an Eating Disorder You Shouldn’t Ignore

Concerns about one’s health, weight, or attractiveness are not the same thing as having an eating problem. These are problems that a person suffers from medically that have a detrimental impact on their eating habits. Both a person’s physical and mental health can be negatively impacted by these diseases, some of which have the potential […]

How ‘Sociopath’ Relates to Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder

The term “sociopath” is often used in popular culture to describe characters in movies, books, or even real individuals whose behavior deviates significantly and dangerously from societal norms. It typically refers to individuals who lack remorse and engage in purposefully violent or harmful actions towards others. This term is also associated with a mental health […]

Pink eye virus hits city, other areas of Sindh

KARACHI: The Sindh Health Department has released an advisory to District Health Officers (DHOs) aimed to prevent the increasing cases of conjunctivitis in Karachi and other urban areas of the province. Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is on the rise in the city and neighbouring urban regions, according to the Sindh Health Department. Although […]