Monthly Archives: September 2023

Undiscovered Berries and Their Nutritional Treasures: Exploring Beyond the Everyday Berry Delight

In a world dominated by common fruits, the allure of berries often remains tethered to the regulars like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. However, venture a little off the beaten path, and you’ll stumble upon a rich tapestry of forgotten berries, each bearing unique flavors and a cornucopia of nutritional benefits waiting to be unfurled. As […]

Raw Food Regimen: A Homage to Unadulterated Nourishment or a Nutritional Roll of the Dice?

The raw food diet, a regime predominantly reliant on uncooked and unprocessed fare, venerates the idea that thermal treatment of food beyond 104-118°F (40-48°C) annuls its inherent enzymes and whittles down its nutritional merit. Champions of this dietary pathway herald its prowess in invigorating energy levels, refining digestion, and fostering weight reduction, alongside curtailing disease […]

Plant Molecule Mastery: Tapping into Nature’s Toolkit for Healthful Living

Nature’s bounty, in the form of phytochemicals, represents a broad spectrum of bioactive agents inherent in plants, which have increasingly become a beacon of hope in the fight against diseases. These intricate molecules, crucial for a plant’s survival, have also been discovered to usher in an array of health advantages for humans. This composition ventures […]

Moringa: Nature’s Nutritional Marvel – Unlocking the Abundant Health Potential of the Miracle Tree

Hailing from the rugged terrains of the Himalayas’ foothills in Northwestern India, Moringa Oleifera, fondly revered as the “Miracle Tree,” gracefully unveils a treasure trove of nourishment and healing. Its roots deeply embedded in South Asian soils, the tree morphs into a lifeline in impoverished locales, and its fame as a superfood is now sweeping […]

Baby Hulk: Born With Enormous Arms And Chest, Tot Suffers A Rare Health Condition

Armani Milby was delivered by emergency cesarean section at 33 weeks New Delhi: A nine-month-old baby born with an enormous chest and arms has been diagnosed with a severe form of a rare congenital disease, known as lymphangioma. Doctors say Armani Milby was delivered by emergency cesarean section at 33 weeks. Armani’s mother Chelsey, a […]

Human West Nile Infections Reported in Eastern Washington

OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Health has confirmed two cases of West Nile virus in residents from Walla Walla and Franklin counties, diagnosed within the past week. Both people were most likely exposed within their county of residence. In addition, today WSDA announced two horse cases of West Nile virus, in Grant and […]

Moringa: Aquaponics Harmony – The Symphony of Aquaculture and Hydroponics in Sustainable Food Yield

The enchanting alliance of aquaculture (the realm of fish cultivation) with hydroponics (the art of nurturing plants in water sans soil) births a sustainable agriculture paradigm known as Aquaponics. This technique is a hymn of efficiency and sustainability, meticulously crafted to minimize wastage while amplifying productivity. By orchestrating a self-sustaining ecosystem where the flora and […]

Yoga improves quality of life, cardiovascular function in heart failure patients

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Previous studies have shown that yoga therapy and lifestyle modifications have improved heart failure patients’ quality of life and enhanced their cardiovascular function. A new study, presented at the American College of Cardiology Asia 2023 conference, held 29–30 September in Manila, Philippines, examines the long-term outcomes of yoga therapy to determine […]